Grants:IdeaLab/Men's Day - What are the Men

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Project Idea Men's Day - What are the Men

I guess men has to be revalued in order to build a better future to reduce the gender gap with women.

Perhaps men have their day, but as the day of the father, the farmer or any other day where man is involved is not as appreciated as any other genre day. The reasons are several, but I think one of the most important would be that all other genres have always fought against laws that prevailed in this case for men.

A Man Reassessed He is educated, hardworking person, capable of defending the rights of people and respects them, he is a gentleman and protect enviroment, no longer fight with fists, fight with the verb clean, No need to prove their strength with muscles, just with his intelligence, he is elegant, aesthetically cares smells good, have a good diet to avoid illnesses, he doesn't need to yell, He listen and after someone else finish to talk, he evaluates grounds and gives a calm and assertive response, he can control himself, he is a good sign of maturity and entirity.

The Objective A revalued man is who can adapt to the new society and a man revalued is the one the world expects. With campaigns about it the fact of what a man is,the fasion will be redirected of what a real man is. By this way the gender gap will not be different article or too wide for any and may be equality.