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Fundraising 2008/comments/2008-11-28

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki


  • "Thanks Wiki" — Paul Schadler, donated 100 USD
  • "Difficile pensare che fosse meglio prima di Wikipedia..." — Anonymous, donated 25 EUR
  • "Jokainen tippa auttaa, sanoi mummo kun mereen kusi." — Tomi Kause, donated 20 USD
  • "This support is a no-brainer from a resource I heavily depend on!" — Ashish Thakur, donated 10 USD
  • "Extremely important project. If everyone gave something it would be sustainable for years." — Keith Herman, donated 5 USD
  • "Someone, somewhere, knows the answer" — George Hine, donated 5 USD
  • "Nothing but the best in Wikipedia - the world is a better place." — Mr. Edward Olson, donated 10 USD
  • "Wonderful Vision" — Alexander Rottier, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia is in my opinion one of the best things all of humanity has come up with. I want it to succeed . If you read this and have not donate, I encourage you to do so." — Santiago Paz, donated 30 USD
  • "When you teach your son, you teach your son's son. - The Talmud" — Anonymous, donated 35 USD
  • "As a teacher, I use Wikipedia all the time for quick reference for my classes. Thank you. " — Tracy Cramer, donated 30 USD
  • "Thanks for making knowledge so accessible" — Kyle Paul, donated 30 CAD
  • "As a transcendental subject I can in principle know everything and live for ever - I can have access to anything anyone has ever come to know and I need never encounter my own temporal limits." — Peter Caws, donated 100 USD
  • "I want to live in a world where we share all that we can, regardless of personal benefit" — donny mackay, donated 10 AUD
  • "Keep the Internet Free from Government Censorship" — Keith DeSantis, donated 10 USD
  • "I hope more and more people can benefit from Wikipedia." — 陈 志强, donated 15 USD
  • "Shared free common knowledge is priceless. We must cherish it !" — arnaud gaudin, donated 30 USD
  • "Most environmental problems result from a mixture of overpopulation and greed !" — Oswald Drobinc, donated 30 EUR
  • "I know a good idea when I see one." — Timothy Ritter, donated 30 USD
  • "We are going to learn to love one another. It's inevitable." — Charlotte Wellen, donated 30 USD
  • "Thank you! Your an awesome website." — Dusty Striebel, donated 10 USD
  • "Keep up the good work" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "Wikipedia is so useful in so many many ways! And people who say it's not credible just don't know how to use it properly. There're just envious! ^_^" — Edward Jones, donated 40 CAD
  • "Steven J." — Sasiwan Akarapanich, donated 10 USD
  • "Remember to check your bias before you deliver and not only when playing lawn bowls." — Ian MacElroy, donated 20 AUD
  • "Thank you for all your help with my MBA." — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "Better than a college education. Information should be accessible to everyone. Help those who are already helping people like us in kindness." — Anonymous, donated 25 USD
  • "The Knowledge to the world !!!" — Eric Couture, donated 10 USD
  • "Wiki gives me hope for mankind. " — Anonymous, donated 20 USD
  • "You've given the world much and ask little in return. I'm pleased to contirbute." — Bryan Aleksich, donated 50 USD
  • "Onward!" — Diana Saville, donated 30 USD
  • "Para los ninos de Mexico" — Alain Max Brassart Chapuy, donated 30 USD
  • "Get wiki with it, booyashaka" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "I've learnt (and most ppl will agree) more from wikipedia than all my teachers and professors put together. Long live the wiki...." — Umesh Janardhanan, donated 5 USD
  • "Please keep up the good work" — Biswapriya Deb, donated 10 USD
  • "Please stay free and help spread collective knowledge to all." — Tobias Hayes, donated 5 USD
  • "you make life so easy!! thanks!!" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Simply the best site" — Sunil Krishna Ghanta, donated 10 USD
  • "Be encouraged to keep uplifting into the absolute Perfection of each and every moment of Now." — Mr. Michael Ososki, donated 30 USD
  • "Evil always wins because good is dumb - Dark Helmet" — Glen Drivas, donated 30 USD
  • "The use of all knowledge is for our experiences, in which we gain understanding and wisdom" — Gary Burns, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia represents the beauty and potential of human progress and achievement" — Davis Webb, donated 30 USD
  • "Gruß und Dank an alle Wikipedianer!" — Rüdiger Franz, donated 20 EUR
  • "I have been a miser by contributing so less but promise to do much more when have some cash!!" — Arjun Marri, donated 30 USD
  • "Unterstützt Wikipedia und ihr werdet es nicht bereuen." — Oleg Kirpitschew, donated 30 EUR
  • "Wikipedia lo merece, demostremos todos que el conocimiento globalizado no debe ser un comercio" — HIPOCRATES NOLASCO CANCINO, donated 10 USD
  • "I have used Wikipedia so much that i feel i could do something other than editing articles.." — hem Acharya, donated 10 AUD
  • "Mankind has always benefitted from those who gave without question...and gave wholeheartedly. Knowledge is not without a price. More often than one would like, it is paid for with blood and tears. -jp" — Juan Pablo Reyes Altamirano, donated 30 USD
  • "Hail wikipedia (plus google, since google provides much better [ie effective] search for wikipedia) it IS the mythological ORACLE made manifest. Hurah!" — Toby Kurk, donated 10 GBP
  • "Good knowledge is universal and should be shared FREE for ALL, and this is the Wikipedia spirit. " — Paul Tung, donated 30 USD
  • "Bereikbare kennis, een zegen voor deze wereld..." — Hugo Neuville, donated 10 EUR
  • "Keep going!!!" — Eduardo Fernández Rodriguez, donated 10 EUR
  • "Thanks for doing this!" — Alexander Bilichenko, donated 10 USD
  • "Promover el conocimiento colectivo merece ser apoyado." — Ricardo Cerrato, donated 100 USD
  • "指標のひとつとして、いつも活用させてもらっています。項目がもっと増え、記事内容が精緻になっていく事を心から願っています。" — Fung-Sok Ro, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Reactivate the Iowa Class battleships" — Kendall Noble, donated 10 USD
  • "For ongoing excellence" — John Parsons, donated 30 USD
  • "without wiki Internet just wouldn't be the same" — Mr. Pavel Zakharov, donated 10 USD
  • "Ще не вмерла Україна! :)" — MYKOLA ASTANKOV, donated 30 USD
  • "without wiki Internet just wouldn't be the same" — Mr. Pavel Zakharov, donated 10 USD
  • "I love wikipedia" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "hope more resources will be allocated to verify the qualitfy of the content" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Small donation leads to great help to the world." — Chih-Yin Liu, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia rocks!" — A L Wilding, donated 10 AUD
  • "Keep up the great work from Ireland" — Shay Bourke, donated 20 EUR
  • "Knowledge is not free." — 博史 中山, donated 1000 JPY
  • "Es wäre fair und angemessen, wenn jeder, der Wikipedia regelmäßig nutzt, einen kleinen Beitrag leistet, um diese wunderbare Einrichtung zu erhalten!" — Marcel Fliegner, donated 75 EUR
  • "Вики - одно из немногих объединений людей в мире, всё ещё создающее нечто вечное" — Michael Glizerin, donated 10 USD
  • "wiki > more than sum of all entries!" — marco malacarne, donated 100 USD
  • "ce'st une petite participation mais je trouve réellement ce site très interressant" — Marc Giammarioli, donated 10 EUR
  • "がんばれウィキ!" — 洋平 山下, donated 1000 JPY
  • "Learning is a matter of choice and reality the limit of our vision." — Trevor Siggers, donated 30 GBP
  • "sono convinto che wikipedia vada sostenuta, io la uso spesso e con soddisfazione" — Paolo Alessio, donated 10 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is exactly what the internet is about, the sharing of information worldwide. It is excellent!" — Nick La Faci, donated 30 EUR
  • "Even if we can't share much the price of knowledge only be measured in desire and that is why I am donatling what little I can thanks Wikipedia" — Anonymous, donated 5 GBP
  • "Uważam taką inicjatywę za godną miana globalnej świadomości XXI wieku" — Mariusz Bogacki, donated 30 PLN
  • "Always worth a look... Thanks Wikipedia" — Robert Rossi, donated 25 EUR
  • "My contribution is small,but I am happy for whatever I am doing !" — Sunil Kumar Sirgiri, donated 15 USD
  • "I support the disinterested, free dissemination of knowledge free of controlling corporate sponsors and the blight of advertising." — Andrew Whitney, donated 100 USD
  • "all I ask is to change your name to jimmypedia" — jim booker, donated 22.22 AUD
  • "The foundation of wisdom is human dialogue, driven by doubt. Never trust any claim of absolute truth, it is the root of tyranny." — J. Chris Coolsma, donated 30 EUR
  • "Heel mooi!" — Johannes Haanraadts, donated 12.34 USD
  • "Wikipedia is an idea that wil lchange to entire world. Thank you Jimmy!" — Alessandro Balzarelli, donated 30 USD
  • "To this wonderful project" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia is one of the most useful and important Internet resources. It shall be maintained by all means. I want to contribute more in the near future, both with money and knowledge. Thank you!" — Paulo Sergio Bonagura, donated 20 USD
  • "Thanks Wiki" — Adam Smydra, donated 10 EUR
  • "Do it" — Philipp Ochsner, donated 30 CHF
  • "Ich wünsche mir, dass Marcel Reif zukünftig andere Sportarten als Fußball kommentiert." — Rüdiger Mrasek, donated 30 EUR
  • "תודה לויקיפדיה על תרומתה במאבק למידע חופשי חינמי ונגיש" — DAFNA MELLER, donated 75 ILS
  • "Thanks wikipedia for all the information and access. I request all users to pitch in." — Balaji Ramaswamy, donated 25 USD
  • "Thanks Wiki!" — Wido Sparling, donated 50 EUR
  • "This is a fantastic site - keep growing!" — Jan Dobrucki, donated 20 GBP
  • "Apologies to encyclopedia salesmen..." — Nick Finch, donated 4 GBP
  • "This donation is a "Small step for man, giant leap for mankind". Oisin C. Vera" — OISIN CABRERA VERA, donated 5 EUR
  • "Best way to employ money. Something educational and free." — ANDRES M GONZALEZ GOMEZ, donated 10 USD
  • "Thanks Wikimedia for the useful abd free information" — So Man Chan, donated 100 USD
  • "One of the best inventions to share human knowledge!" — Carlos Lopez-Rabadan, donated 30 USD
  • "Pour que vive la diversité culturelle et le partage du savoir... merci à wikipedia ! Guillaume Devaux" — Guillaume Devaux, donated 10 EUR
  • "In my opinion Wiki is the BEST website, period. " — Bruce Miller, donated 30 USD
  • "Für die kleinen, alltäglichen Wissensinfusionen" — Florian Schauderna, donated 30 EUR
  • "Un grand merci à Wikipédia qui permet la diffusion de la culture à tous et gratuitement." — Jean-charles Prieto, donated 30 EUR
  • "Thanks Wikipedia" — Yonatan Katz, donated 30 USD
  • "Pour que se perpétue la connaissance collective." — Olivier JOLY, donated 5 USD
  • "Give for free what you got for free" — Miguel Moreno Zapatero, donated 20 EUR
  • "This is the new Library of Alejandria" — Javier Alda, donated 50 USD
  • "A great place to start in your journey to knowledge." — Richard Martinez, donated 30 USD
  • "je donne pour un service universel libre de publicité" — claire dages, donated 15 EUR
  • "Wikipedia is a good thing. " — Anonymous, donated 20 GBP
  • "Sharing know-how is the key to the progress of humanity" — Rolf Kehlhofer, donated 100 USD
  • "danke für die Fülle an Informationen auf Knopfdruck" — Marion Narr, donated 5 EUR
  • "Information should be shared. Imagine giving every child the world litterature and music on a solidstate memory at birth." — Mads Horn, donated 50 DKK
  • "We are more free with Wikipedia " — Judith Blau, donated 30 USD
  • "Das beste Nachschlagewerk, das es zur Zeit gibt. Vielen Dank an Alle, die dabei mitarbeiten!" — Norbert Neupert, donated 30 EUR
  • "I use, therefore I pay." — Brian Fiedler, donated 100 USD
  • "Gracias por el esfuerzo de poner el conocimiento al alcance de todos." — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
  • "Жаль, что я учился в то время, когда интернет был почти недоступен, но я рад, что могу восполнить пробел сейчас, с помощью ВИКИ!"!И!!!!" — Maxim Smityukhov, donated 20 USD
  • "いつも、とても参考になっています。少額で申し訳ありません。" — abe tamaki, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Knowledge only fuels my quest for more knowledge" — Donna Guinn, donated 10 USD
  • "Спасибо вам!" — Arthur Vardanyan, donated 5 USD
  • "We have to support the things we believe in! =)" — Eric Tashlik, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia is the best thing that happened to the Internet since the Internet!" — Ms. Jan Erlandsen, donated 100 SEK
  • "Ci sei sempre quando ho bisogno di te! =^.^=" — Anonymous, donated 5 EUR
  • "small pieces make the monument" — Mariano Carreiras, donated 10 EUR
  • "A brilliant idea for the public good!" — Mr. David Zartman, donated 100 USD
  • "Wikipedia is a powerful combination that marries collaborative action to the acquisition of intellectual capital." — Robert Hohler, donated 100 USD
  • "As the poster-child for providing a world-wide knowledge sharing platform, Wikipedia continues to provide the model for a global collaborative community." — Adam Roades, donated 100 USD
  • "we pay taxes for highways and public education don't we?" — Anonymous, donated 75 CAD
  • "I Heart Wikipedia" — Ryan Lazzaro, donated 20 CAD
  • "Thank you for sharing information and good luck for 2009." — Chamira Perera, donated 15 CAD
  • "I'm not actually asking wikipedia to make my life easier: but I wish it will make it easier for everybody to know and understand things" — claudio viarengo, donated 50 USD
  • "Thanks for the great service" — Mark Riordan, donated 27 USD
  • "Great to share information" — Trong-Linh Nuyen, donated 75 USD
  • "Viva o conhecimento!" — Joao Barbosa, donated 5 EUR
  • "Thanks to the creators and sustainers of WikipediA for being such a benevolent authority." — Stephen Katz, donated 10 USD
  • "il sapere rende liberi, diceva qualcuno..." — Alberto Brigandì, donated 5 EUR
  • "I need (read) Wikipedia articles almost every day, it's an excellent resource for information! Keep up the good work!" — Mikhail Bozgounov, donated 5 EUR
  • "Give money to get money - It;'s a law" — Alvin Konda, donated 30 USD
  • "Thanks a lot for useful information" — 正紀 田中, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Wikipedia is one of the wonders of our time" — Gioel Pizzolitto, donated 25 EUR
  • "Un servizio utile, davvero. Grazie." — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "So, Lampy, jetzt hört hoffentlich das Gesudere auf, dass ich endlich an Wikipedia spenden soll!" — Andreas Krennmair, donated 42 EUR
  • "Danke, bin total abhaengig von Euch :-)" — Ms. Susanne Erdmann, donated 100 DKK
  • "i wish Wiki familiy can survive in the crisis" — alireza sadri, donated 6 USD
  • "Let's share the knowledge for free, I hope it'd lead to the wisdom!" — Bernard Fruga, donated 30 CHF
  • "Pour la défense du partage et de la diffusion à tous du savoir !" — Aurélien Paulus, donated 10 EUR
  • "Why should I give you money? Well... I suppose because I spend 50% of my working day glued to pages that you host." — Anonymous, donated 20 GBP
  • "superbe encyclopedie historique a conseiler a tous" — philippe gasmanne, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia is human kinds single closest effort at creating an omnipotent God. Thanks." — Simon Alpren, donated 20 GBP
  • "I can never imagine Internet without two things. 1. Google 2. Wikipedia" — sridatta chegu, donated 5 USD
  • "I need and I enjoy Wikipedia" — Jose Julio Guemez Ledesma, donated 30 EUR
  • "是非今後も頑張ってください!" — 恵司 舛本, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Wikipedia.org is an excellent website to provide different information. However some affiliated speical theme websites, such as environmental protection, technologies.... " — Chi Wai Mok, donated 500 HKD
  • "The uncommercialized dissemination of knowledge is the most unique and powerful application on the web today" — Roopesh Doshi, donated 50 USD
  • "多くの金額を出す事はできませんが、いつもお世話になっています。" — 智子 黒田, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Imperfect but indispensable and getting better by the hour." — Neil Getz, donated 100 USD
  • "I like wikipedia to stay around for my kids.. :) Best of luck" — Pavan Kumar, donated 30 USD
  • "If I want to learn about something, Wikipedia rarely disappoints." — Job M. van Zuijlen, donated 33 USD
  • "I like the fact I am able to make my own choices; I think Wikipedia is enabling people to make their own. " — Ms. Mara Zalite, donated 10 GBP
  • "poco...ma se tutti donassero un poco...." — Anonymous, donated 5 EUR
  • "Happy birthday Alex.. babsi and fatti" — Vivek K Velamuri, donated 31 USD
  • "La libertà del sapere è l'unica cosa che fa realmente l'uomo libero." — Luigi Mantellini, donated 25 EUR
  • "A world without Wikipedia is like taking a step back in the dark ages." — Clayton Merritt, donated 30 USD
  • "Contribuir para fazer parte da informação é a única forma de estar no passado, presente e futuro ao mesmo tempo. Portanto, faça história contribuindo hoje o que muitos no futuro irão aprender." — Kiyoshi Takahase Segundo, donated 10 USD
  • "e' stata una buona sorpresa ---> Wikipedia" — Mario Silvetti, donated 15 EUR
  • "Wikipedia has changed the world of information don't let the information be lost" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Die Welt bildet Wikipedia bildet die Welt." — Dan Keller, donated 10 USD
  • "Keep up the good work!" — Jeroen Gerits, donated 4 EUR
  • "It's not much, but I'm a poor student who believe's in the internets potential. Good luck, Wiki. =]" — Judy Broll, donated 15 USD
  • "Knowledge is freedom." — Carlos González, donated 30 USD
  • "Thank you for helping me understand in such a simple way." — Fadi Hasan, donated 30 USD
  • "BONJOUR ET MERCI POUR VOS BON SERVICES!!!!!!!!!" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Sie sind eine f(ph)antastische Institution, die mir im Alltag eine unerlässliche Hilfe ist!" — Anonymous, donated 50 EUR
  • "You deserve our support. Thank you!!!" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "wikipedia saved my life hundreds times" — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "I'd really hate to be without Wikipedia!" — Vern Martin, donated 30 USD
  • "I use Wikipedia every day so I felt it was only right to donate, even if just a few bucks." — Kristin Lynch, donated 5 USD
  • "Knowledge is always a good investment." — Christopher Aycock, donated 100 USD
  • "Merci à Wikipédia, un site qui mise enfin sur l'intelligence et le sens de la responsabilité de chacun." — William van den Broek, donated 30 EUR
  • "Great service, has helped me out in lots of tight spots as well as just being interesting. Although now that my husband has wikipedia on his phone, I am constantly corrected. I'm sure it's improving!" — miriam Gormally, donated 75 USD
  • "Wikipedia has become *the* icon of a free, better and inspired internet for all to acces and enjoy! I'm glad I can contribute to wikipedia in any way I can" — Sven Claeys, donated 50 EUR
  • "thx to the commúnity, jimmy and all who worked and will work for this wonderful idea. it's not a website, it's a (r)evolution for mankind. Liebe Grüße aus Germany !" — Thorsten Hollmann, donated 30 EUR
  • "\\o/" — Anonymous, donated 22 EUR
  • "Knowledge is freedom" — jae lim, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia is the BEST source of information on the website! I love this site!" — Diane Pilato, donated 15 USD
  • "I hope there'll be more and more good articles in Wikipedia." — Yoshiaki Sato, donated 3000 JPY
  • "YES WE CAN, AMERICA!" — Sol Wald, donated 10 USD
  • "wer andern eine bratwurst brät, der hat ein bratwurstbratgerät" — Jens Gödde, donated 5 EUR
  • "I hope people are aware of how much wikipedia is helping transform the world to the better!" — Anonymous, donated 100 USD
  • "The Wikipedia project is so grand and ambitious that I would gladly donate a few dollars to the cause." — David Volquartz Lebech, donated 30 USD
  • "alla migliore enciclopedia mondiale!" — Francesco Paolo Cardullo, donated 10 EUR
  • "Support knowledge, support community, support Wikipedia." — John Hallows, donated 30 USD
  • "Knowledge is power." — Anonymous, donated 5 USD
  • "Greetings from Hamburg, Germany :o)" — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "Dona algo, aunque sea 1 euro." — Anonymous, donated 10 EUR
  • "I use Wikipedia a lot. Figured it was "put up or shut up" time." — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "Wikipedia rocks...keep up the good work!!!" — Neil Brady, donated 5 USD
  • "Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. i totally agree. GO FOR IT" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "Long live the Internets." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Thank you for the fantastic work you do! I can't imagine the internet without you!" — børge roum, donated 800 NOK
  • "good resource" — lucian pollington, donated 30 USD
  • "Wikipedia is a very reliable and trusted source of information." — William Dunn, donated 30 USD
  • "The world at your finger tips. Keep up the good work!" — Kevin Saker, donated 10 USD
  • "Unique sphere of knowledge dedicated to my industry, where my is everyone." — Ejaz Hussain, donated 20 AUD
  • "Il mondo cambierà solamente quando non ci saranno più pregiudizi." — Anonymous, donated 25 EUR
  • "I find your site SO helpful--wish I could give more, JIM in US" — James Chisholm, donated 20 USD
  • "I wish I could make a donation that came near Wikipedia's generosity." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "Well done Wikipedia" — Martin Walker, donated 5 GBP
  • "Thank you for this fabulous service." — Steve Lauterbach, donated 10 USD
  • "We love and support Wikipedia. Without it, The True Snow White's website would be far less colorful and brimming with information. So let’s give them a heartfelt hand! And keep going, Wikipedia." — Christoffer Azmann, donated 300 USD
  • "As technology/internet erase barriers to communication, the sharing of knowledge will, as it has in close/privileged societies, become the priceless commodity that enriches all touched by it." — Alexander Morrison, donated 15 USD
  • "The Glory of God is Intelligence" — John Compton, donated 30 USD
  • "It is good to enrich some things in life outside the domain of commerce" — Julie Vetter, donated 30 USD
  • "A worthwhile donation, and it's hard to imagine life without Wikipedia!" — Michael Poplawski, donated 20 CAD
  • "Just as food satisfies the body such a rich source of accessible knowledge satisfies the mind. Thank you for helping provide a most valuable resource potentially available to all people." — JOHN LILLELAND, donated 200 USD
  • "Pozdrowienia od Listonosza (Clanzig)" — Pawel Marek Poleszuk, donated 10 GBP
  • "Ayudame a ayudar a los jovenes con mas posibilidades de trabajo en otros países más desarrollados" — Gerardo Labbe, donated 75 USD
  • "You have always been there when I needed you!" — Harold Jacobson, donated 30 USD
  • "Thanks for the best encyclopedia in the world, and the best wiki software around!" — Ryan Lane, donated 100 USD
  • "I love, love, love Wikipedia! Keep up the good work!" — Anonymous, donated 10 USD
  • "いつもありがとう。これからも頑張って下さい。" — Anonymous, donated 3000 JPY
  • "Knowledge is fundamental freedom" — Anonymous, donated 20 EUR
  • "「知る楽しさ」「知識の力」Wikipediaに感謝。" — MASAAKI GOMI, donated 1000 JPY
  • "Bruno Marcondes" — bruno marcondes, donated 30 USD
  • "We spend money everyday with a lot of trash that add nothing to our ackowledgement. " — Joao DaSilva, donated 5 USD
  • "I <3 Wikipedia" — Mr. Eric Innis, donated 30 USD
  • "keep on building the future " — j murray, donated 30 USD
  • "Se ognuno di noi Vi donasse un euro una volta all'anno e non ci sarebbe bisogno di chiedere nulla.Anzi con il surplus si potrebbe fare del bene a chi è in difficoltà nel Mondo.Auguri a tuti Voi" — Adriano Molinari, donated 10 EUR
  • "Think before you breed." — Anonymous, donated 30 USD
  • "David Venne" — David Venne, donated 30 USD
  • "Let's play a game. From now everyone get along together, promotes education, peace and stability across the nations. And congratulations to America for making the right choice during recent elections " — Hanna Golota, donated 30 USD
  • "Gaining knowledge should require inspiration and desire not a special privilege. Thank you for facilitating, sharing and spreading the human knowledge. " — Pinakin Shah, donated 20 USD
  • "Jeg er fattig student nå. Jeg vil gjerne hilse til mamma og pappa. Lisa og Julie. Ragna, Anette og Vilde. Anjuli, Elizabeth og Amanda. Og Sofie. This is so Korean. Kjenner jeg bare jenter?" — Kjetil Vaage, donated 50 NOK
  • "When I am curious about something, there's always Wikipedia..." — Angel Pineda, donated 30 USD