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Vıraşten 2012/Açarnayış/Recay Ravani

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This page is a translated version of the page Fundraising 2012/Translation/Ravan Appeal and the translation is 46% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Noroc, veror dınya u vıraşten dınyay are de yew ferq esto. No ferq pere niyo, bertal niyo, sebeba cı zanışiyo.

If you follow the news, you know about the Arab Spring. For young people like me and my friends, it was the beginning of a new era. As momentous events happened, we were obsessed with the news, following up second by second. We were checking our phones, Facebook, Twitter.

U ezo Wikipedia de nusnena. Ezo Wikipedia noturo deye sinena; mı şık berd ke ena notur weynayışacı tewr zaf yew çımeya. Ezo weynena CNN, Al Jazeera u BBC, wexteyo ke xeber keni weyneni çımeyande itimadınana. İşte wexto ezo raştay zemanın rocaniyey dekena de.

It's incredible. For the first time in history, everyone could know what was happening, as it happened. We could share the truth with people across the world.

We want a world that is more open, more educated, and more free. We want a world where knowledge is available to anyone that seeks it.

Enewke tam mahdey dınyay vurnayışiyo! Şıma de mare pheşti bıde?


Ravan enewke 26 sereyo u mıhendize telekomiyo.

Esle cı Iraq rawo, aya newke Umman de cıwiyena.

Hobiyan de cı miyande veror wanayış, wanayış u wanayış esto.

She reads everything, from newspapers to novels. And when she learns something new, she writes about it on Arabic Wikipedia.

She's catalogued the famous works of Leonardo da Vinci; she's written about each one of the 64 moons of Jupiter.

Her efforts help increase the amount of information available to Arabic speakers online.