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Wikimania 2008/Bids/Atlanta/Meeting 9/19/07

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[21:49] * Logging #wikimania-atlanta to 'logs\#wikimania-atlanta-9-19-07.freenode'
[21:49] <Mike_H> now.
[21:49] <jwales> mav!
[21:50] * jwales hugs mav in a long time no see greeting. :)
[21:50] <Mike_H> :)
[21:50] <Mike_H> First things first
[21:50] <Mike_H> Tim D'Alessio contacted me again today
[21:50] * mav huggles or somesuch :)
[21:50] <Mike_H> he is the senior news editor at the AJC.
[21:50] <Mike_H> He is very interested right now, kind of iffy if the story will be printed. I say it's 50/50.
[21:51] <Mike_H> However, we will get it printed for sure if we get it. 100%, no doubts.
[21:51] <Disavian> that's pretty good, though
[21:51] <Zscout370> Alt. Journal Constitution, right?
[21:51] <Mike_H> Yes, the only major daily paper in Atlanta.
[21:51] <mav> cool
[21:51] <Mike_H> You can view the press release yourself
[21:51] <Mike_H> in PDF format
[21:51] <Mike_H> at http://www.wikimania-atlanta.org
[21:51] <Mike_H> thank you Hillary for making it a PDF file.
[21:52] * Zscout370 looks at the website
[21:52] <Zscout370> cool
[21:53] <Mike_H> Second
[21:53] <Mike_H> Selah Abrams from Turner sent me another e-mail
[21:53] <Mike_H> and we talked on the phone.
[21:53] <Mike_H> He introduced the proposal yesterday
[21:53] <Mike_H> and passed it to the head of new products this afternoon.
[21:53] <Mike_H> They got it around 3, they've read it
[21:53] <Mike_H> we should know tomorrow what they think, hopefully.
[21:54] <mav> great news
[21:54] <Mike_H> and if they want to sponsor us. From what I hear, it's all positive.
[21:54] <Mike_H> Public bid meeting
[21:54] <Mike_H> Junior's Grill at Georgia Tech
[21:54] <Mike_H> Friday
[21:54] <Disavian> ok, gtg
[21:54] <Mike_H> 11 a.m.
[21:54] <Mike_H> Leonard Witt, who is head of pjnet.org and one of our collaborators
[21:54] <Mike_H> will be there
[21:54] <Mike_H> so will Selah Abrams.
[21:55] <Mike_H> As far as I gather, me, Matt, Andrew, Hillary and Jessica will be at the meeting
[21:55] <Mike_H> Andrea, I don't think she will be
[21:55] <Zscout370> it seems like yall are having a lot of public preparations and the most organized bid as from what I can tell ever since we held this event
[21:55] <Mike_H> and Craig is in South Carolina and can't get away that weekend
[21:56] * mav agrees with Zscout
[21:56] <Zscout370> and yall know I am in California, so I am just pretty much here soaking everything in
[21:57] <Mike_H> Well, I've had my moments of doubt, but really, the last two days have been the most promising. A head editor of the AJC showing a lot of interest, Turner may be in for a sponsorship with us, it's really boosted our chances a lot in a short time.
[21:57] <mav> the trouble with bids, is that sponsors don't want to commit until the bid looks viable
[21:57] <Mike_H> Virgin Unite should be getting back with us sometime this week. I will personally call Leah Hung while I'm on the road tomorrow, I haven't heard from her person directly like she said I was going to.
[21:58] <Mike_H> mav: Yes, I've heard that a lot. And I think that's a flaw in the bid process, really.
[21:58] <Mike_H> Businesses don't want to put their all into something that may not happen.
[21:58] <mav> yep
[21:58] <Zscout370> if Virgin sponsored us before during the 2007 Fundraiser, I am sure they don't mind working with us again
[21:59] <Mike_H> Right.
[21:59] <Mike_H> And I made that point in my original pitch.
[21:59] <Mike_H> Which they have read.
[21:59] <mav> So - what else needs doing that is not already being done?
[21:59] <Mike_H> Well, two things that I really think need to be done
[21:59] <Mike_H> The Dean of the College of Computing needs to be met with
[21:59] <Mike_H> and the bid needs to be discussed with him
[21:59] <Mike_H> so we can formally have his backing.
[22:00] <Mike_H> That's #1.
[22:00] <Mike_H> #2, I think we need to contact the Coca-Cola Bottling Co. and ask for their support as well.
[22:00] <Mike_H> The headquarters said I need to contact the local bottling company.
[22:00] <Mike_H> They are based in College Park.
[22:01] <Mike_H> We have not really planned out our post-Wikimania event
[22:01] <Mike_H> debating whether or not to do that before bidding ends.
[22:01] <mav> would be nice to brainstorm
[22:01] <Mike_H> At this point I'm not horribly concerned with it, it's post-Wikimania, we have a year to plan it, we already have good contacts with ACCTB
[22:01] * Miranda has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[22:01] <mav> we can do that with this group
[22:01] <Zscout370> and to at least see how much interest there is in there and much how funds it would need
[22:02] <Mike_H> Zscout370: With summer plane tickets, most people would not be able to leave until Monday, or risk a higher price.
[22:02] <mav> something at the Fox maybe?
[22:02] <Mike_H> So Sunday we need to plan an event.
[22:02] <mav> oh - I was thinking party
[22:02] <Miranda> mav: get local entertainers? A possibility?
[22:02] <Mike_H> I personally don't want to do "just one thing." I want to do like a tour. Maybe Centennial Olympic Park, CNN Center, Philips Arena, that area
[22:02] <Mike_H> mav: We are already having one party.
[22:02] <Mike_H> Unless you mean move the one party we already scheduled
[22:02] <Mike_H> to Sunday.
[22:03] <Mike_H> I am for that.
[22:03] * Traveler6 has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[22:03] <Mike_H> I don't know if they're open on Sunday, but if I coordinate with them, no doubt I can at least see.
[22:04] <Zscout370> Mike_H, if we have a large enough group, they might be open for us specially
[22:04] <mav> wouldn't hurt to ask - also within walking distance of Tech
[22:04] <Mike_H> Zscout370: They already said they wouldn't mind opening the museum past hours for us
[22:04] <Mike_H> up to two hours
[22:04] <Mike_H> if we ask for written permission.
[22:04] <mav> cool
[22:04] <Mike_H> Yes, on Sunday they are open from 12 to 5.
[22:05] <Mike_H> It should not be a problem.
[22:05] <Mike_H> which leads me to my next concern, related to this
[22:05] <mav> So - post event stuff would be local tours?
[22:05] <Mike_H> jwales: The Carter letter. What's the timeline on this? I know you've been busy, but he books nine months out, we need to get that in soon. Very soon.
[22:05] <Mike_H> and I wouldn't hesitate to mention Dan Rosenthal's parents
[22:05] <Mike_H> (SWATJester)
[22:06] <Mike_H> Gerald and Ingrid Rosenthal
[22:06] <Mike_H> they are members on the Board of Trustees at the Carter Center
[22:06] <mav> The Carter Center isn't easy to get to from Tech on transit though
[22:06] * LaMenta3 has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[22:06] <Disavian> okay, Hillary and I are home, she should be in momentarily
[22:06] <Miranda> yes, maybe they can get the museum open late. Or, look at other options such as underground Atlanta, isn't that a bus stop?
[22:06] <Mike_H> The woman gave me directions for MARTA.
[22:06] <LaMenta3> ok I'm here
[22:06] <Zscout370> Mike_H, I would also suggest to get a letter from Governor. Perdue, if you havn't thought of it already
[22:06] <Mike_H> Underground Atlanta is a mall/nightclub spot.
[22:06] <LaMenta3> sorry, I was doing my best to avert excessive toolishness
[22:07] <Mike_H> Zscout370: I don't understand. You mean ask Governor Perdue to ask Jimmy Carter?
[22:07] <Zscout370> no, no no no
[22:07] <Zscout370> what is the purpose of the Carter letter?
[22:07] <Miranda> possibly ask Dan's parents to contact Carter?
[22:07] <Mike_H> The purpose of the Carter letter is to formally ask him to be a keynote speaker at Wikimania.
[22:08] <Zscout370> Mike_H, ah
[22:08] <Traveler6> Don't forget about Mayor Shirley Franklin on this.
[22:08] <Mike_H> Traveler6: The City of Atlanta offices were very rude to me. 
[22:08] <LaMenta3> didn't we try contacting her already?
[22:08] <Mike_H> We did.
[22:08] <Mike_H> We have to actually mail her a letter too
[22:08] <LaMenta3> thought so
[22:08] <Mike_H> and not to be mean to Mayor Franklin
[22:08] <Zscout370> but I still suggest to at least get a written grreeting from the Governor to at least be read during the opening
[22:08] <Mike_H> but I consider Jimmy Carter just a bit more important.
[22:08] <Miranda> yes, and ...there's one more Maynard Holbrook Jackson, Jr.
[22:08] <Zscout370> agreed, he is a former President
[22:08] <LaMenta3> but Mayor Franklin =/= Jummy Carter
[22:08] <LaMenta3> *jimmy
[22:08] <Mike_H> Miranda: Isn't he dead?
[22:08] <Traveler6> How about some other local personality besides Carter or Perdue? How about Neal Boortz?
[22:08] <Miranda> Mike_H: I don't think so, let me check
[22:09] <mav> Carter seems most appropriate given our mission
[22:09] <Zscout370> or maybe Mr. Turner :P
[22:09] <Mike_H> I am pretty sure Maynard Jackson is dead.
[22:09] <Traveler6> Maynard Jackson died in 2003.
[22:09] <Disavian> Jimmy Carter's article is better than Mayor Franklin's. Therefore, Jimmy Carter > Mayor Franklin.
[22:09] <Miranda> yes, you are right
[22:09] <Mike_H> Andrew Young isn't dead.
[22:09] <Mike_H> He is also a fairly prominent face in world affairs.
[22:09] <Miranda> yes, that's who I meant Mike_H
[22:09] <LaMenta3> (whose bright idea was it to stick the U and I keys next to each other on the keyboard?)
[22:09] <Traveler6> Young would be a good possibility.
[22:09] <Zscout370> and President Carter holds a Nobel Prize
[22:09] <mav> A video greeting from Carter would also be nice - if he can't attend in person
[22:09] <Mike_H> Young was a UN envoy.
[22:09] * EVula has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[22:09] <LaMenta3> Andrew Young, I believe, has some kind of connection with Tech already, too
[22:09] <Mike_H> mav: Jimmy Wales says Carter is a big fan of Wikipedia
[22:09] <Mike_H> if he had the time
[22:10] <Mike_H> which we hope he does this far out
[22:10] <LaMenta3> the name is ringing some SERIOUS bells
[22:10] <Mike_H> he probably would say yes
[22:10] <Miranda> depends though...a lot can happen within a year
[22:10] <Mike_H> We just can't delay this anymore,.
[22:10] <Mike_H> The letter has to go out
[22:10] <Mike_H> preferably it should have gone out already.
[22:10] <mav> that would be super - media would eat that stuff up
[22:10] <Mike_H> The plan was the letter was to go out last Thursday
[22:10] <Mike_H> but Jimmy had to go to South Africa.
[22:10] <Miranda> how about one of the members from the MLK family, too?
[22:11] <mav> Carter or Wales? :)
[22:11] <Mike_H> Wales
[22:11] <mav> Too many JImmys
[22:11] <LaMenta3> ah...Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at GSU...that's why the name is familiar
[22:11] <Mike_H> Miranda: I don't really want to overload the keynote speaker panel with a lot of non-free-source-Wikimedia people so early on. Right now I think shooting for Jimmy Carter, Shirley Franklin, Andrew Young
[22:11] <Mike_H> those are good choices
[22:11] <Miranda> Mike_H: yeah, I see what you mean.
[22:11] <Mike_H> and should be left at that for the time being unless anyone thinks there is someone better
[22:12] <Traveler6> How about john Lewis. Congress should be getting out on their summer recess for 2008 by then.
[22:12] <Miranda> Mike_H: How about translators?
[22:12] <Mike_H> Traveler6: I don't know who that is.
[22:12] <Zscout370> Mike_H, and at least get a physical letter from Perdue at least to show in a program or something like that
[22:12] <Miranda> Traveler6: hmm...fundraising perhaps?
[22:12] <Mike_H> Miranda: We will have time to plan that out later. I would imagine very few people attending don't know English.
[22:12] <Disavian> LaMenta3: there's an Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at GSU.
[22:12] <Miranda> Traveler6: he was on the Freedom rides right?
[22:12] <mav> a small fund drive during Wikimania is a good idea
[22:12] <Mike_H> Zscout370: Let's shoot for doable goals right now. Before October 6, such a letter will not occur.
[22:13] <LaMenta3> Ok, again, why Shirley Franklin? Other than she's the mayor of Atlanta
[22:13] <LaMenta3> I mean Carter likes WP and Andrew Young has a strong connection with Tech and GSU through their policy schools
[22:13] <Traveler6> Lewis was in the 1965 Selma March.
[22:13] <Zscout370> Mike_H, alright, just tossing out suggestions
[22:13] <Mike_H> LaMenta3: The thing that's been bugging me a lot is that considering how minority-heavy Atlanta is
[22:13] <Miranda> Traveler6: yes, and the freedom rides too.
[22:13] <Mike_H> our bid team and volunteers are really...
[22:13] <Mike_H> lack of a better word
[22:13] <Mike_H> lily-white
[22:13] <Miranda> lol
[22:13] <LaMenta3> John Lewis might actually be a good person to try
[22:13] <EVula> heh
[22:13] <mav> I got a sunburn on the weekend - that's gotta count for something...
[22:14] <LaMenta3> he's my congresscritter and I write to him about stuff pretty often
[22:14] <Mike_H> and if we're showing it's truly "a new day," we have to incorporate more than famous white people to speak
[22:14] <Mike_H> really.
[22:14] <LaMenta3> I mean, I don't have a rapport with him, per se, but at this point he might at least recognise my name, if vaguely
[22:15] <LaMenta3> he seems like a pretty cool guy and is one of the few people I wouldn't MIND contacting if you wanted me to
[22:15] <Mike_H> I'd do it.
[22:15] <Miranda> I wonder...if that's the same time as the Congressional Black Caucus convention
[22:15] <Miranda> as Wikimania
[22:15] <Mike_H> If we're going through reaching out to the city via diversity
[22:15] <Mike_H> I want to hear your opinions on this person for a speaker
[22:15] <Mike_H> Cynthia McKinney.
[22:16] <Mike_H> Yea or nay.
[22:16] <LaMenta3> nay
[22:16] <mav> NO
[22:16] <Traveler6> Nay
[22:16] <Miranda> no
[22:16] <Mike_H> I am leaning toward no on her too.
[22:16] <Mike_H> Okay.
[22:16] <mav> please no, no,no, no
[22:16] <Miranda> lol mav :-D
[22:16] <Mike_H> Thank you, you confirmed what I wanted as well.
[22:16] <mav> no
[22:16] <Zscout370> Mike_H, no way
[22:16] <Mike_H> It's unanimous. She won't get an invite.
[22:16] <Miranda> okay, the CBC conference is in late September...but we may want to watch that.
[22:17] <EVula> had to look her up, but yeah, gotta say "no" too.
[22:17] <LaMenta3> being that 2008 IS an election year, we should look at some high-profile politicians with the Tech area as a constituency or who have a strong interest in things relating to the spirit of Wikimedia
[22:17] <Miranda> and other possible conferences like...the Urban League and the NAACP convention
[22:17] <Zscout370> EVula, I had to remind myself who she was
[22:17] <Mike_H> Ted Turner is no longer involved in the day to day runnings at Turner.
[22:17] <Mike_H> He resigned that right in 2006.
[22:17] <Mike_H> Just to let whoever suggested Ted Turner know.
[22:17] <Zscout370> Mike_H, that was me
[22:17] <EVula> shame, she's got the same birthday as me.
[22:17] <Traveler6> Ted Turner is still the largest shareholder of Time Warner which bought out Turner in 1996.
[22:17] <LaMenta3> because, while I don't want us to become someone's political soapbox/grandstand, it might be mutually beneficial in the press coverage department
[22:18] <Mike_H> Traveler6: He no longer sits on the board or goes to meetings.
[22:18] <LaMenta3> particularly as the visuals go
[22:18] <Miranda> ok when is the date for WKM ATL...the proposed
[22:18] <Miranda> are the dates
[22:18] <Mike_H> July 30-August 2
[22:18] <LaMenta3> because, as per our discussion with the lady at ICPA, that IS something we should be concerned about
[22:18] <Mike_H> I included August 3 which will be the party.
[22:18] <Mike_H> LaMenta3: I agree.
[22:18] <LaMenta3> How do we make the actual event VISUALLY appealing to TV media?
[22:18] <Mike_H> That's a job for us as far as organizing and setting up.
[22:19] <LaMenta3> yes
[22:19] <Mike_H> I'd brainstorm that once we got it.
[22:19] <Mike_H> Right now it's just another thing we can think about that isn't the big goal at this point.
[22:19] <LaMenta3> I'm just throwing it out there NOW so that people can start stewing on it
[22:19] <Disavian> well, they want us to be thinking about it
[22:19] <Miranda> maybe we can use Jimbo as a spokes person...
[22:19] <Mike_H> Well, the people who would be stewing on it, in the end, would be us
[22:19] <Mike_H> the bid team.
[22:19] <Traveler6> I have been contacting local press on this item with e-mail via links to our bid, but no luck. I will keep trying (print, radio, TV)
[22:19] -> [jwales] PING
[22:19] <LaMenta3> ICPA and anyone at Tech we'd be working with at the high levels wants to know how we plan to make them LOOK good
[22:20] <LaMenta3> so this is really a question we NEED to start answering now
[22:20] <mav> no silly had painted posters then?
[22:20] <LaMenta3> so as to be able to solidify our relationship with the higher-ups at tech
[22:20] <Miranda> how about the security, though
[22:20] <mav> hand
[22:20] <Mike_H> Oh, no.
[22:20] <Mike_H> We need it professional.
[22:20] <Mike_H> 100% high-end.
[22:20] * Traveler6 has quit IRC ("Java user signed off"�)
[22:20] <mav> that's what I thought :)
[22:20] <Mike_H> LaMenta3: That's a big goal of the conference
[22:20] <Mike_H> to show off Georgia Tech
[22:20] <Mike_H> and its achievements
[22:21] <Mike_H> so obviously we would take great care and time to do that.
[22:21] <mav> do we have any graphic artists on the team?
[22:21] <LaMenta3> yes, and we've told them that, but they actually want to know, how will this be something that the news media will latch onto so as to ensure that
[22:21] <mav> Tech is not known for that type of thing
[22:21] <jwales> carter letter
[22:21] <LaMenta3> she was actually asking for specifics
[22:21] <Mike_H> Did you mention what the press release said? The event that will make history for the South and technology?
[22:21] <Mike_H> and that Georgia Tech is the one making the history for us?
[22:21] <Mike_H> us being the South?
[22:21] <jwales> will head to the office tomorrow or the next day to sign
[22:22] <Mike_H> jwales: Do I need to sign it? 
[22:22] <LaMenta3> we were still in the process of solidifying the press release at that point, Mike
[22:22] * jwales has quit IRC ("Leaving"�)
[22:22] <Miranda> FYI, the Urban League's conference this year was July 25-28
[22:22] <Mike_H> well, that answered that...?
[22:22] * CraigSpurrier_aw is now known as CraigSpurrier
[22:22] <Mike_H> Hillary, well, let them know that now.
[22:22] <Mike_H> That their role in this is pivotal in making history
[22:22] <Disavian> Mike_H: I think they want more of an answer than that.
[22:22] <Mike_H> as far as the South and technology is concerned
[22:22] <LaMenta3> Mike: we can discuss the visual appeal more later, but I just wanted everyone to start thinking about it
[22:22] <mav> I think Jimmy's sig is enough - he already knows Carter
[22:22] <Mike_H> they've done that before
[22:22] <Mike_H> they can do it now
[22:23] <Mike_H> Disavian: I don't know what they want me to say. You go there. You know.
[22:23] <Mike_H> I go to school in Florida.
[22:23] <Mike_H> You would know more about what they're looking for in our explanation
[22:24] <Miranda> did you get a letter from the University's president
[22:24] <Mike_H> just as much as I would know what to say to USF
[22:24] <Mike_H> No.
[22:24] <Miranda> or send...sorry.
[22:24] <Mike_H> As much as I've heard "so and so contacted Clough"
[22:24] <Mike_H> "so and so said this to him"
[22:24] <Mike_H> as far as I gather
[22:24] <Mike_H> NOBODY has contacted him.
[22:24] <Mike_H> and I don't know why.
[22:24] * LaMenta3 has quit IRC (zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net�)
[22:24] * Huntster has quit IRC (zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net�)
[22:24] * Austin has quit IRC (zelazny.freenode.net irc.freenode.net�)
[22:25] <Disavian> Well, from what ICPA told us, we talk to the Dean, and the dean talks to Clough
[22:25] <Mike_H> Jump the line.
[22:25] <Mike_H> E-mail him anyway.
[22:25] <Mike_H> Show him initiative.
[22:25] <Mike_H> If nobody takes the task tonight
[22:25] <Mike_H> I'll do it myself.
[22:25] * LaMenta3 has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[22:25] * Huntster has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[22:25] * Austin has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[22:25] <LaMenta3> holy crap. I think I broke it
[22:25] <Miranda> lol
[22:26] <LaMenta3> what was that?
[22:26] * mav won't ask what
[22:26] <Miranda> LaMenta3: you didn't miss anything much
[22:26] <Miranda> LaMenta3: [[netsplit]]
[22:26] <Mike_H> <Disavian> Well, from what ICPA told us, we talk to the Dean, and the dean talks to Clough
[22:26] <Mike_H> <Mike_H> Jump the line.
[22:26] <Mike_H> <Mike_H> E-mail him anyway.
[22:26] <Mike_H> <Mike_H> Show him initiative.
[22:26] <Mike_H> <Mike_H> If nobody takes the task tonight
[22:26] <Mike_H> <Mike_H> I'll do it myself.
[22:26] <Mike_H> That was what the netsplit people missed.
[22:26] <Miranda> so for the conference packets are we having those?
[22:27] <Mike_H> I've been busy with sponsors and press for the last two days. I can't usually just drop things to do other things, but Clough needs to know. At this point I don't care about expected protocol. I don't. The higher-ups need to know, and now.
[22:28] <LaMenta3> Jumping protocol is a risky thing to do in the current organizational/planning climate at Tech
[22:29] <Mike_H> So the president of the school shouldn't know about what's going on here?
[22:29] <Miranda> has the last city shared sponsorship contacts with ATL
[22:29] <Mike_H> Yes.
[22:29] <Mike_H> I have them.
[22:29] <Miranda> good
[22:29] <Miranda> great
[22:29] <LaMenta3> RoboCup had a lot of issues with not going through the proper protocol and expected courtesies and it was a REALLY big headache for everyone
[22:29] <LaMenta3> and has made them gunshy about putting their support behind ANYONE who does that again
[22:29] <Mike_H> This is bullshit. And you know what? UNC sees through GT's bullshit and that's why they've been opening doors for us a lot quicker.
[22:30] <LaMenta3> Doors are open. They're just open unofficially
[22:30] <Disavian> They keep telling us "RoboCup" this and "RoboCup" that, and we're following the official steps that they're laying out for us.
[22:30] <LaMenta3> we're in the process of setting up a meeting with Dean DiMillo
[22:30] <Miranda> what's RoboCup?
[22:30] <Mike_H> UNC opened the doors officially no-questions-asked. Can you understand why it's frustrating to me to not get a similiar or even downgraded response?
[22:31] <Disavian> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RoboCup
[22:31] * mav bows out of the Tech protocol thing
[22:31] <LaMenta3> It's a different culture, Mike
[22:31] <LaMenta3> respect it
[22:31] <LaMenta3> if you don't, you're only hurting us
[22:31] <Mike_H> It's still a nationally renowned university.
[22:31] <Miranda> oh...ok.
[22:31] <Mike_H> UNC isn't Bumpkin U.
[22:31] <Disavian> the COC hosted RoboCup, and it gave them a LOT of press
[22:31] <Disavian> but they apparently had some organizational headaches
[22:31] <LaMenta3> I didn't say that
[22:32] <Miranda> Do you think we can get some of the pictures of the dorms in order to put on the presentation page...like the interior
[22:32] <LaMenta3> I just said that the organizational climate and culture is different at Tech than it is just about anywhere else
[22:32] <Mike_H> Miranda: Considering we don't know which dorms we're getting yet
[22:32] <Mike_H> all we know is that we can get dorms
[22:32] <Miranda> ok
[22:32] * Hello32020 has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[22:32] <Mike_H> pictures of insides aren't good
[22:32] <Mike_H> they may not illustrate what we get in the end
[22:32] <LaMenta3> There is a STRONG tradition of decorum and protocol when it comes to dealing with the administration
[22:33] <LaMenta3> it's very...Japanese, really, is the only way I can describe it
[22:33] <Mike_H> It's aggravating. One of the sales pitches we have is
[22:33] <Mike_H> "Southern charm and business minds"
[22:33] <Mike_H> This sounds a lot more like "Business charm and Southern minds"
[22:33] <LaMenta3> part of Southern charm is the tradition of decorum
[22:33] <Mike_H> You mean kiss ass.
[22:34] <LaMenta3> Mike, this is how it is. I cannot change it.
[22:34] <Mike_H> Apparently I've been away from the South too long.
[22:34] <Mike_H> No, it's not you.
[22:34] <Disavian> po-ta-to, po-tah-to?
[22:34] <Mike_H> I just don't think it's moving at a fast enough pace.
[22:34] <Mike_H> and it literally takes another offer of assistance from UNC or anyone else before the wheels turn faster
[22:34] <LaMenta3> If you go over our heads on this one and jump line and derail the rapport we've got going on, it will very much hurt the goodwill that we've already recieved
[22:34] <Mike_H> it's just exasperating for me as the main one planning the entire web. GT, UNC, everything.
[22:35] <Mike_H> If you think it will hurt us to jump the line
[22:35] <Mike_H> I won't do it.
[22:35] <LaMenta3> It will.
[22:35] <Mike_H> I don't want it to be a 100/0 thing either.
[22:35] <LaMenta3> Delicate egos abound.
[22:35] <Mike_H> You know?
[22:35] <LaMenta3> it's not an all or nothing thing
[22:35] <Disavian> As much as I'd like to talk to Funk Masta G. Wayne directly, I agree on this one- they've really emphasized following the process and getting "buy-in"
[22:35] <Mike_H> I don't want them to have all the cards. We are the one offering to hold it at their university.
[22:36] <Mike_H> We could have chose not to.
[22:36] <LaMenta3> unofficially, we have their support.
[22:36] <Miranda> how about talking to the provost?
[22:36] <LaMenta3> now, we have to go and talk to the right people to get the official bid of support
[22:36] <Mike_H> Jessica has concerns that CoC may say no. But you think that's different.
[22:37] <LaMenta3> as far as getting an administration buy-in, Andrew, Jessica and I are actively working on it
[22:37] <LaMenta3> we have made SIGNIFICANT headway in getting information and contacts we need in the past two days
[22:37] <Mike_H> Okay, if you're confident in it
[22:37] <Mike_H> I am 100% behind you.
[22:37] <Miranda> okay, how about security?
[22:38] <Mike_H> I don't see security really being an issue at all.
[22:38] <LaMenta3> Jessica is looking at it pragmatically, looking at the correspondence we've had with them at face value
[22:38] <Mike_H> Not at all.
[22:38] <Miranda> ok, I heard ATL police are supposed to be at the top of their forte with security.
[22:38] <mav> Midtown is a pretty safe place AFAIK
[22:38] <Mike_H> This isn't greenpeace or the G8 conference. We don't need a security detail there.
[22:38] <mav> been working there for a few years now
[22:38] <LaMenta3> security: Tech campus is very secure given that it's in the middle of a major city
[22:39] <mav> just a few annoying panhandlers
[22:39] <LaMenta3> it has its own police department
[22:39] <LaMenta3> most of the crime in the area involves petty theft from vehicles
[22:39] <LaMenta3> or petty theft in general, really
[22:39] <Disavian> just don't leave your laptop in your car
[22:39] <mav> yeah - lots of car break-ins - good point
[22:39] <LaMenta3> just secure your valuables and use your common sense. it's a city.
[22:40] <mav> ditto
[22:40] <Miranda> yes, use common sense
[22:40] <Mike_H> That's my big concern and that's why I'm glad we outlined the common sense.
[22:40] <LaMenta3> just don't leave anything enticing setting out in your car where it can be seen
[22:40] <Mike_H> Because what's common sense to an American
[22:40] <Mike_H> may not be to a European.
[22:40] <Miranda> this isn't a town. it's like the NYC of the South
[22:40] * Dmcdevit has joined #wikimania-atlanta
[22:40] <mav> yep
[22:40] * Dmcdevit waves.
[22:40] <Mike_H> In many European cities you can walk alone at night
[22:40] * Miranda waves @ Dmcdevit
[22:40] <Mike_H> and do what you want
[22:41] <mav> howdy
[22:41] <LaMenta3> crimes against persons in the GT area is VERY low
[22:41] <Mike_H> in Atlanta you can't do that. In almost all American cities you can't do that.
[22:41] <mav> you can walk alone at night in Midtown too -(well, men can)
[22:41] <Mike_H> Even then I wouldn't give people a heads-up to do that.
[22:41] <LaMenta3> On Tech's CAMPUS, particularly in the area of the student center/central campus, pretty much anyone can walk alone without much danger
[22:42] <Mike_H> On the campus, yes.
[22:42] <Mike_H> On Peachtree? I wouldn't recommend it, even though I think it would be safe for the most part.
[22:42] <LaMenta3> BUT, if you're not familiar with the rest of the area, don't walk alone
[22:42] <Mike_H> There's still a possibility it wouldn't be.
[22:42] <Miranda> does the campus have good lighting in the dark?
[22:42] <Mike_H> And that's not enough for me to say "walk alone at night"
[22:42] <LaMenta3> you'll be too busy trying to get a feel for where you are to be situationally aware
[22:42] <LaMenta3> The campus is well-lit, yes
[22:42] <Disavian> the campus has pretty decent lighting at night
[22:42] <mav> again, it comes to common sense - if there are lots of people around at night in midtown, then it is probably safe
[22:43] <Mike_H> mav: The bid's official stance is "go in groups."
[22:43] <LaMenta3> they have a whole task force that does yearly audits for lighting conditions
[22:43] <mav> that is the case around many mixed-use condo buildings
[22:43] <Miranda> bring a flashlight
[22:43] <Mike_H> I personally would not condone any kind of message saying it's okay to walk alone at night anywhere outside the GT campus.
[22:43] <mav> to be on the safe side, yes
[22:43] <Mike_H> Andrew and Hillary live on "the safe street."
[22:43] <Mike_H> I still wouldn't walk to Atlantic Station alone at night.
[22:43] <LaMenta3> nor would I
[22:44] <LaMenta3> Not from Tech anyway
[22:44] <LaMenta3> from my house, maybe
[22:44] <Mike_H> I wouldn't even from your house.
[22:44] <mav> there is a bad stretch inbetween Tech and Atlantic Station along Spring St, so that would not be a good idea
[22:44] <kmccoy> I wouldn't want to walk around by myself in a town full of Wikipedians.  Who knows what they're up to.
[22:44] <EVula> indeed
[22:45] <mav> lol
[22:45] <LaMenta3> Pretty much all of the common sense/personal safety protocols for navagating the vicinity of GT is outlined in the strenghs and weaknesses portion of the bid
[22:45] <Mike_H> Right.
[22:45] <Mike_H> And I'm glad we did that.
[22:45] <uberpenguin> oy vey, what a day
[22:45] <Miranda> yes kmccoy I agree 100%
[22:45] <uberpenguin> sorry I've been scarce, Mike
[22:45] <Mike_H> that's okay
[22:45] <LaMenta3> glad *I* did that, you mean ;)
[22:45] <Miranda> okay, for the airport situation....might want to warn out of towners what to expect
[22:45] <Mike_H> Girlfriend, you did it for the bid
[22:45] <uberpenguin> QM and RF are being a PITA
[22:45] * Mike_H hair flips
[22:46] * LaMenta3 sticks her boobs out
[22:46] <LaMenta3> oh you wanna go, honey?
[22:46] <mav> Miranda ; what about?
[22:46] <LaMenta3> :p
[22:46] <Mike_H> child, I'll show you how a diva goes for broke
[22:46] <uberpenguin> please put those away, guys
[22:46] <uberpenguin> I'm feeling left out for having neither
[22:46] <LaMenta3> mike doesn't have hair to flip
[22:46] <Miranda> mav: about what to expect. For example, the airport in for example....small airports such as...TN or KY are less in security than in ATL
[22:47] <LaMenta3> and boobs aren't all they're cracked up to be :p
[22:47] <Miranda> so, the wait times
[22:47] <Mike_H> Miranda: It's the busiest airline hub in the US.
[22:47] <Mike_H> Really...
[22:47] <EVula> yeah, our airport is pretty light on security guards.
[22:47] <Miranda> yes...
[22:47] <EVula> (our == TN)
[22:47] <Mike_H> it should be common sense that it won't be so breezy
[22:47] <mav> security is not an issue really for people landing...
[22:47] <uberpenguin> LaMenta3: well, call me shallow, but hey... I want some... it's a status symbol
[22:47] <Miranda> so tell them to expect delays.
[22:47] <Miranda> but you might want to link to the airport's site on the proposal page
[22:47] <Mike_H> I don't understand what you want.
[22:47] <Mike_H> I've flown into Atlanta a lot. What's bad about it again?
[22:48] <kmccoy> American airports are better than other airports.  Except maybe Asian and Middle Eastern airports.  Atlanta's not that bad.
[22:48] <Mike_H> Other than there being 444542115335 people?
[22:48] <uberpenguin> if you've never been to a giganormous international airport like Hartsfield, you're in for a treat, basically
[22:48] <Miranda> Mike_H: there is loads of security. For example...
[22:48] <LaMenta3> I've flown into and out of Atlanta for domestic and international flights
[22:48] <kmccoy> Some of the terminals could use a redecoration, but other than that, it's fine. :)
[22:48] <LaMenta3> they're fairly efficient at security
[22:48] <Miranda> check in, laptops, possible foot search
[22:48] <Mike_H> Miranda: A lot of airports in the US have "loads of security." This isn't a trait unique to Atlanta.
[22:48] <Zscout370> San Diego has a bunch
[22:48] <Mike_H> They will be informed of what needs to be done at their local airports before they fly to the US.
[22:48] <Miranda> okay, will there be valet services available?
[22:48] <uberpenguin> yeah, the security isn't opressively heavy most of the time
[22:48] <Zscout370> Burbank still hand checks packages
[22:48] <LaMenta3> they've got something like 20 checkpoints and there usually isn't much of a wait
[22:49] <uberpenguin> it's just busy, as one would expect from an airport of such size
[22:49] <kmccoy> Every American airport requires laptops out and shoes off.
[22:49] <LaMenta3> the longest I've ever had to wait in line to get through security at ATL has been, like, 10 minutes
[22:49] <Zscout370> kmccoy, my courthouse does that
[22:49] <Mike_H> In Tampa it's about 10 minutes too.
[22:49] <uberpenguin> honestly, there are better places to put explosives than shoes
[22:49] <Miranda> the longest is probably 1 - 2 hours. around midday
[22:49] <mav> yeah - security check at hartsfield is normally very fast
[22:49] <Mike_H> Miranda: What are you talking about?
[22:49] <uberpenguin> how else could they funnel millions of people through there?
[22:49] <mav> I've never had to wait more than 20 minutes
[22:49] <Mike_H> What security check have you been in that takes two hours?
[22:49] <Miranda> Mike_H: security wait time
[22:50] <Miranda> ATL a few years back
[22:50] <kmccoy> Tell attendees that ATL is like any other large American airport, and that they should be aware of current standard security procedures.  Then link to ATL's site and TSA's site.  Then move on.
[22:50] <Mike_H> It's 2007 now. They are more equipped, have more lines, and process people quickly.
[22:50] <Miranda> good.
[22:50] <Miranda> okay, how about the party?
[22:50] <Mike_H> August 3.
[22:50] <Mike_H> Carter Center.
[22:50] <LaMenta3> ATL recently ADDED a significant number of security checkpoints
[22:50] <LaMenta3> like, within the past couple of months
[22:50] <uberpenguin> it's a nice view from the carter center
[22:51] <mav> Was the High considered for the party?
[22:51] <Miranda> dressy, Mike_H? Suit or Tux?
[22:51] <Mike_H> Casual.
[22:51] <LaMenta3> so I'd assume that waits are near nil for most passengers
[22:51] <LaMenta3> (PS: Nil is NOT an object!)
[22:51] <Miranda> casual pants and shirt?
[22:51] <Mike_H> What you would wear to the event
[22:51] <Mike_H> wear to the party.
[22:51] <Miranda> ok
[22:51] <Mike_H> It is not going to be fancy.
[22:51] <Miranda> no, the VIP
[22:51] <LaMenta3> VIP might be a little dressier, I'd imagine
[22:51] <Mike_H> Miranda: The VIP is semi-formal.
[22:52] <Miranda> ok
[22:52] <Mike_H> But that's really something for later. Only a few of us here will be going to it anyway.
[22:52] <LaMenta3> I mean, these are mostly people who have clothes for that sort of thing anyway
[22:52] <Miranda> ok
[22:52] <mav> formal wear in Atlanta heat on transit - yuck
[22:52] <Mike_H> Hillary, my mommy is going to be buying me nice clothes for the VIP party :)
[22:52] <Miranda> do volunteers get in free?
[22:53] <Mike_H> Volunteers not involved with the bid won't be coming to the VIP party.
[22:53] * Miranda is saving 30,000
[22:53] <Mike_H> It's a small event for the bid team and the sponsors and speakers. It is rather selective.
[22:53] <Miranda> haha lol
[22:53] <Miranda> ok
[22:53] <uberpenguin> guess mike will have to get that polo shirt after all :3
[22:53] <Mike_H> :(
[22:54] <Mike_H> My mother would want me to wear a suit, no doubt
[22:54] <uberpenguin> mav: ah it's not so bad
[22:54] <uberpenguin> I had some interviews two weeks ago and wore a full suit all day
[22:54] <mav> once you live here for a while
[22:54] <mav> you get used to it - but when I first moved here from Cali - boy
[22:54] <LaMenta3> Mike: compromise and wear a button-down shirt and a tie
[22:55] <Miranda> don't make it overdressed, though...not to promy
[22:55] <Dmcdevit> Uck, itll be even worse from Phoenix. :
[22:55] <Dmcdevit> *:(
[22:55] <Miranda> Dmcdevit: yeah...I feel so sorry for you
[22:55] <Miranda> Dmcdevit: dry heat versus humidity
[22:55] <mav> lol
[22:55] <Mike_H> If you want to whine about humidity
[22:55] <Mike_H> live in Florida
[22:55] <Mike_H> thx
[22:55] <Mike_H> love, mike
[22:55] <Dmcdevit> Although, I survived Taiwan, so anything's possible. ;-)
[22:55] <EVula> dry heat kicks ass.
[22:55] <mav> true - FL is really bad
[22:55] <EVula> I love visiting Arizona.
[22:56] <Dmcdevit> What?
[22:56] <LaMenta3> As far as heat goes, things cool down reasonably in the evenings when the parties will be
[22:56] <Miranda> you know...I was thinking
[22:56] <Dmcdevit> EVula, That might be the first time I've heard those words uttered in thirc://freenode/wikipedia-enat precise order.
[22:56] <Miranda> some people may be nature enthusiasts
[22:56] <Dmcdevit> erk.
[22:56] <Dmcdevit> *that
[22:56] <mav> but if it is a normal summer, that cool down will bring thunderstorms
[22:56] <Miranda> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chattahoochee_river
[22:57] <LaMenta3> the thunderstorms usually happen 4-5 pm
[22:57] <Mike_H> It will be beautiful for us coming up
[22:57] <mav> but it is a warm rain - so getting wet is not that bad
[22:57] <Mike_H> Thursday and Friday
[22:57] <Mike_H> high around 80
[22:57] <Mike_H> considering our highs have been like 93
[22:57] <Mike_H> that's great for us
[22:57] <LaMenta3> it is mentioned in the bid that afternoon showers and storms are common
[22:57] <Disavian> well, they used to be, anyway
[22:57] <Mike_H> mav: Oh, honey, after the storms end and the sun comes out
[22:57] <Miranda> okay, if the person is coming from a place such as england....
[22:57] <Mike_H> 15,000 degrees turns into 20,000
[22:57] <LaMenta3> and we do recommend that attendees bring rain gear os some sort
[22:57] <mav> lol
[22:58] <Miranda> and comes to atlanta...high changes. Did you mention sunscreen?
[22:58] <Mike_H> Miranda: The entire United States is hot in July and August. It's just something to expect from our country. Unlike Boston, we are actually going to have air conditioning in every building.
[22:58] <Miranda> thank goodness
[22:58] <EVula> Dmcdevit: well, I also have family in AZ.
[22:58] <LaMenta3> first thing under the climate section of strengths/weaknesses, Miranda
[22:58] <Mike_H> What Britons think is hot
[22:58] <Mike_H> that's what we in Tampa call "January"
[22:59] <EVula> heh
[22:59] <mav> lol
[22:59] <Dmcdevit> You don't want to know what we call that in Phoenix. ;-)
[22:59] <LaMenta3> Miranda: if you haven't already, please at least read the Strengths and Weaknesses section of the bid...it sort of serves as a FAQ for most of the concerns that are raised about Atlanta
[22:59] <Miranda> LaMenta3: okay, I will.
[22:59] <LaMenta3> Also, if I missed anything, let me kow
[22:59] <LaMenta3> *know
[23:01] <Miranda> would government majors like to visit the state capitol?
[23:01] <mav> anything planned for hacking days?
[23:01] <Miranda> or people interested in history in general
[23:01] <LaMenta3> We've got some things on the bid about potential places of interest for tourism
[23:01] <LaMenta3> but there are SO MANY places in Atlanta and the metro area that it's hard to make it exhaustive
[23:02] <Miranda> yes, LaMenta3
[23:02] <mav> Some organized tours would be nice - I can help with some of those
[23:02] <Mike_H> According to the Futurama video
[23:02] <Mike_H> we have Turner Field
[23:02] <Mike_H> The Coca Cola Bottlin' Plant
[23:02] <Mike_H> ...the airport...
[23:02] <LaMenta3> particularly since we have a lot of other things to worry about with the bid.
[23:02] <Miranda> LaMenta3: I am glad we aren't having this early next year
[23:02] <mav> oh yes, the airport, wee fun ;)
[23:03] <LaMenta3> tourism opportunities are kind of taking a back seat at the moment while we deal with the fun, fun administrative and political crap :)
[23:03] <Miranda> remember the Sugar Bowl and the other bowl in ATL because of Hurricane Katrina...just wow
[23:03] <Mike_H> for a little fun, Atlantans :)
[23:03] <Mike_H> http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vmeoPZf1cFo
[23:05] <uberpenguin> I'm still skeptical of this bottling plant
[23:05] <LaMenta3> what about it?
[23:05] <uberpenguin> I don't think they offer tours...
[23:05] <uberpenguin> my dad works at coke and has only been to the atlanta area bottler once
[23:05] <LaMenta3> no, but there's the Coca-Cola museum
[23:06] <uberpenguin> yes
[23:06] <LaMenta3> which has an integrated bottling exhibit, from what I hear
[23:06] <LaMenta3> I still haven't been to the new onw
[23:06] <LaMenta3> *one
[23:06] <Mike_H> Yes
[23:06] <uberpenguin> yeah, but it's rather stylized
[23:06] <Mike_H> it does
[23:06] <Mike_H> We went
[23:06] <Mike_H> in June.
[23:06] <uberpenguin> you sure you're not referring to the world of coke?
[23:06] <uberpenguin> which is a PR factory, not a bottler :)
[23:07] <LaMenta3> It was enough to get a ISYE friend of mine (who used to work at a Miller bottling plant) excited
[23:07] <mav> one big advert, that is what it is
[23:07] <LaMenta3> I know it's not a bottler
[23:07] <Miranda> what did they do with the old world of coke building?
[23:07] <mav> WoC does have a small bottling plant
[23:07] <Miranda> mav: WOC = ATL bottling plant
[23:08] <Miranda> er
[23:08] <LaMenta3> but if someone were interested in the bottling process (which is why they'd tour the plant, no?) then the new WoC does address that...desire
[23:08] <mav> oh
[23:08] <Mike_H> the Coke they bottle is for sale in the shop. They also give a free contour bottle of Coke to people as they leave.
[23:08] <Miranda> sorry, WOC !=ATL bottling plant
[23:08] <LaMenta3> we know, miranda
[23:08] <Miranda> LaMenta3: sorry. :-(
[23:08] <Mike_H> The ATL bottling plant is in College Park.
[23:08] <uberpenguin> yes
[23:08] <LaMenta3> college park...I wouldn't want to go there to tour the plant anyway
[23:09] <uberpenguin> now to throw an even bigger monkey wrench at you
[23:09] <LaMenta3> not the, uh, safest part of town
[23:09] <uberpenguin> the real bottling plant isn't owned by the coca-cola corporation
[23:09] <mav> I'd only want to tour a place if they allow me to take pictures
[23:09] <uberpenguin> it's owned by coca-cola enterprises
[23:09] <mav> CNN Tour does not
[23:09] <Miranda> mav: I think they do in certain areas
[23:09] <uberpenguin> there are two coca-cola companies, partially as an anti-trust dodge :)
[23:09] <LaMenta3> they do allow it in some places
[23:09] <mav> Miranda - yeah, in the fake news room, I think
[23:10] <Miranda> mav: yeah, they let you tape yourself doing the weather. How cute.
[23:10] <mav> yep
[23:10] <LaMenta3> I got to read off the teleprompter when I toured CNN
[23:10] <LaMenta3> I'm pretty good at it
[23:11] <uberpenguin> last time I was at CNN, there was practically not photography allowed
[23:11] <LaMenta3> I think the tour guide wanted to take me up to HR and have me fill out hiring papers, lol
[23:11] <uberpenguin> mav: may I suggest oakland cemetery? dead folk aren't photo-shy :P
[23:11] <mav> Good idea - I haven't been there yet
[23:11] <LaMenta3> penguin: is that the one down by the capitol?
[23:11] <Miranda> how about the aquarium
[23:11] <LaMenta3> across from Six Feet Under?
[23:11] <mav> heard that they have a few tours - including a ghost tour
[23:11] <LaMenta3> (which btw, is a pretty good watering hole)
[23:12] <uberpenguin> makes coca cola: http://www.cokecce.com/
[23:12] <mav> aquarium is a must - could be done with CNN and WoC
[23:12] <uberpenguin> makes coca cola syrup: http://www.coca-cola.com/
[23:12] <uberpenguin> LaMenta3: yup
[23:12] <uberpenguin> yeah, the aquarium is an obvious spot if you want to take photos
[23:12] <mav> As for the VIPs - do you think we could afford to dine them at the top of the Westin?
[23:13] <uberpenguin> we probably should note on the page that anyone intending to go to the aquarium should buy their tickets in advance if they don't want to wait forever to get in
[23:13] <LaMenta3> we've already got things sort of set up with Mary Mac's Tea Room for the VIPs
[23:13] <mav> i always take out of town guests there on the first night of their visit - great way to show off Atlanta
[23:13] <Miranda> how is Mary Mac's Tea room
[23:13] <LaMenta3> which has much better food than the westin restaurant
[23:13] <LaMenta3> from what I hear, anyway
[23:14] * Zscout370 has quit IRC ("Leaving"�)
[23:14] <Mike_H> Mary Mac's is where the VIP party will be
[23:14] <Mike_H> it's an Atlanta institution
[23:14] <mav> can't beat the view on the Westin though
[23:14] <Mike_H> very welcoming
[23:14] <uberpenguin> never been there
[23:14] <Mike_H> prices are going to be very affordable
[23:14] <Miranda> Mike_H: do you have pics
[23:14] <LaMenta3> Mary Mac's is a very historical little restaurant on Ponce
[23:14] <Mike_H> No.
[23:14] <uberpenguin> you can impress them with the vortex :P
[23:14] <Mike_H> They have a website
[23:14] <Mike_H> you can go there
[23:14] <LaMenta3> one order of business for this weekend should be to go around and take pictures of things
[23:14] <mav> Mary Mac's... VIP - I've been there - while nice, I don't think it is really VIP material
[23:15] <Miranda> I am thinking way too big, but
[23:15] <mav> I can take pictures during break a couple days a week at work
[23:15] <Miranda> how about the Georgia World Congress Center
[23:15] * SirFozzie has quit IRC ("ChatZilla [Firefox]"�)
[23:15] <mav> Have MARTA, will travel
[23:15] <Mike_H> mav: I think it's a marriage of upscale (we will have the restaurant to ourselves, from what I gather) and laidback Southern
[23:16] <mav> I work right next to the Midtown Marta station
[23:16] <Mike_H> Trendy can go to other cities.
[23:16] <LaMenta3> Mike's gonna be visiting Atlanta this weekend, so he, Andrew and I will probably go picture-taking Friday or Saturday afternoon
[23:16] <Mike_H> We're selling the South.
[23:16] <Mike_H> Mary Mac's does that to a T.
[23:16] <uberpenguin> mav!! you're near the vortex!!
[23:16] <mav> Sorry, but it is not exactly the best place, IMO
[23:16] <Mike_H> mav: It's what we're doing.
[23:16] <mav> k
[23:16] <mav> fine
[23:17] <LaMenta3> As an additionall note about Mary Mac's, it's historically been a haunt of the progressive political elite of Atlanta
[23:17] <Miranda> or are we thinking way too big
[23:17] <Mike_H> mav: The less big shake-ups in the bid at this advanced point, the better. Don't fix what isn't exactly broken, that's what I think.
[23:17] <mav> I just remember rather cheap tables and not the greatest service
[23:17] <Mike_H> Well, with the party we'll be having a buffet.
[23:17] <Mike_H> The best menu they have.
[23:18] <Mike_H> and an open bar.
[23:18] <LaMenta3> Mary Mac's has already been VERY receptive to us, even at this early phase in things
[23:18] <Mike_H> The VIP party will still run under $3,000.
[23:18] <Mike_H> Yes, they have.
[23:18] <Mike_H> And considering all they're offering, the price is wonderful.
[23:18] <LaMenta3> very nice and accomodating people
[23:19] <mav> Still, I don't get it, but if it has Been Decided (TM), then what can I do
[23:19] <mav> How many people are we talking about?
[23:19] <Mike_H> Right now it looks like
[23:19] <Mike_H> 75.
[23:20] <mav> $3,000 for 75 VIPs.... I think that is too much of a bargin
[23:20] <LaMenta3> Honestly, and I'm not trying to be rude or mean, but if you really wanted to have input on things like venue and party places, you really should have gotten on board with this when we started.
[23:21] <mav> I was just about to say the same thing; things decided, those that show up and all
[23:21] <Mike_H> Changing crucial things like this, this late in the game, does not look like a stable effort.
[23:21] <Mike_H> Flux is not good.
[23:21] <mav> But I'm just expressing a view - take it or leave it
[23:21] <LaMenta3> At this point, we have committments from various parties to hold the space for us, so if a venue for something is on the bid it is prety much confirmed
[23:21] <Miranda> is it okay for me to add olympic park to the tourism pics
[23:21] <LaMenta3> miranda: if it's a free use image, then yes
[23:21] <Miranda> LaMenta3: it is
[23:21] <mav> I'm not really suggesting change at this point - just stating an opinion
[23:23] <mav> take it or leave it - but the committee may bring up the same concerns - if they do, then it would be good to have a B plan
[23:23] <Mike_H> Why would the committee have concerns? It isn't a shit place like a McDonalds.
[23:23] <LaMenta3> Let's just say that we have defendable reasons for picking the places that we did
[23:23] <LaMenta3> and if we have to provide and defend them for the jury, we will
[23:23] <LaMenta3> otherwise, just let it be
[23:23] <mav> just saying that spending 40 bucks per VIP might insult them
[23:24] <LaMenta3> 40 bucks PLUS whatever they drink at an OPEN BAR
[23:24] <Mike_H> which can add up to another $40 right there
[23:24] <LaMenta3> with drinks running about $6-7 each, that can be quite a tab
[23:24] * CraigSpurrier is now known as CraigSpurrier_aw
[23:24] <Mike_H> I don't find it "stiffing a person," I find it "pleasant and economical at the same time."
[23:25] <mav> anyway, moving on
[23:25] <Mike_H> We are very confident in our decisions and our bid. If we weren't, we wouldn't publish it with our names on it. All of us would defend such a decision as well, and if people don't see it our way, well, at least we were true to our vision.
[23:25] <Mike_H> I don't know about other people, but I am anything if not principled.
[23:25] <LaMenta3> and as far as economical goes, we need to be...that is a BIG concern of the jury...can we do this as economically as possible without it appearing cheap and tacky
[23:26] <mav> lol Varsity
[23:26] <mav> take them there
[23:26] <LaMenta3> lol, we want them to ENJOY themselves, not make a run on the Pepto Bismol
[23:26] <LaMenta3> :p
[23:27] <mav> rotfl
[23:27] <Miranda> lol
[23:27] <Miranda> I am not going there :-{
[23:27] <Miranda> P
[23:27] <LaMenta3> The food's not bad, just have some antacid on hand if you're prone to heartburn/indigestion
[23:27] <uberpenguin> OH
[23:27] <uberpenguin> EM
[23:27] <uberpenguin> GEE
[23:27] <Miranda> actually it's :-P
[23:28] <uberpenguin> someone mentioned the greasy V
[23:28] <mav> feed each person with 4 bucks instead of 40 - that will save some money
[23:28] <uberpenguin> my V-dar went off
[23:28] <uberpenguin> my goodness the onion rings are heaven
[23:28] <uberpenguin> and the F-O
[23:28] <uberpenguin> I could die a happy man
[23:28] <Miranda> how about places in order to exchange money
[23:28] <mav> of congested heart failure, yes
[23:28] <Miranda> have they been listed
[23:29] <LaMenta3> I usually order hot wings when I'm there because much of anything else has too much grease for my body to process
[23:29] <LaMenta3> (and that's not an exaggeration, I really can't digest that much fat at once)
[23:29] <mav> nobody can
[23:29] <Miranda> does ATL have vegetarian places too for people to eat
[23:30] <mav> not many - F2O is one and a few salad places
[23:30] <LaMenta3> it's a big city, undoubtedly it does
[23:30] <Miranda> ok good
[23:30] <kmccoy> Every city of any size in the United States will have places that cater to people with specific diets.
[23:30] <Mike_H> Miranda: People should exchange their money at the airport before leaving their country.
[23:30] <LaMenta3> most places have veggie items on the menu
[23:30] <Mike_H> That, or at the airport in Atlanta.
[23:30] <Miranda> err...it would be a menu, right?
[23:30] <Miranda> Mike_H: like western union
[23:31] <Mike_H> Western Union is everywhere.
[23:31] <kmccoy> Mike_H, actually, using the ATM upon arrival is the best thing to do.
[23:31] <Miranda> exactly
[23:31] <Miranda> yep, money value can change over a day, if the country is in a war, depression, etc.
[23:31] <Mike_H> But if people have traveled abroad before, they know what to do with money
[23:31] <Miranda> economic depression
[23:31] <Mike_H> there's a line between helping people with traveling
[23:31] <Mike_H> and holding their hand through everything
[23:31] <Mike_H> people can figure out some things, like money, for themselves.
[23:32] <LaMenta3> Good news for just about all foreigners: the dollar is the weakest it's ever been so everyone gets good exchange rates
[23:32] <kmccoy> Mike_H: Exactly.  You could perhaps set up some sort of system for people who don't often travel internationally to get advice from people who do.
[23:32] <Miranda> hopefully the interest rates won't be cut nor risen during WKM conference :-P
[23:32] <Mike_H> kmccoy: A great idea.
[23:32] <Mike_H> I'll write it down.
[23:32] <kmccoy> Mike_H: That also may be a place where I'd be able to make some good contributions.
[23:32] <Disavian> Miranda: the dollar is unlikely to improve in a year. If anything, it'll continue to weaken.
[23:32] <Miranda> how about a list of transportation services, like limosines, taxis or that has been careful.
[23:32] <Miranda> Disavian: exactly
[23:33] <Disavian> Miranda: that's good for international travelers. a "plus," if you will.
[23:33] <Miranda> Disavian: yep. 2 pounds for 1 dollar
[23:34] <Mike_H> I need to print out some paperwork for my trip to Atlanta
[23:34] <Mike_H> continue without me
[23:34] <Mike_H> I'll be back shortly
[23:34] <Miranda> that's one of the drawbacks for going to London, though
[23:35] <LaMenta3> miranda: transportation has been taken care of in a general overview sense. If we are selected as the host city we will most certainly pay the closest attention to detail possible when it comes to getting everyone here on time, in one piece, and with minimum hassle
[23:35] <Miranda> okay. yes, great
[23:36] <LaMenta3> right now, we've got some good information about ways to get TO atlanta, and a couple of specific ways to get from the airport/train station/bus station to the campus
[23:37] <mav> that's all we need for now, methiks
[23:37] <LaMenta3> from there, it's not too much of a stretch to actually provide specific info about car rental companies, taxi companies and limo companies that operate out of the airport, etc.
[23:37] <mav> should be a n in there
[23:37] <Miranda> on the last wikimeetup in Boston were there any security problems
[23:38] <mav> not that I know of
[23:38] <Miranda> ok
[23:38] <mav> but I was just an atendee
[23:38] <mav> t
[23:38] <uberpenguin> is logging still going on right now?
[23:39] <LaMenta3> yes
[23:39] <LaMenta3> until Mike gets back
[23:39] <mav> nobody said that logging stopped
[23:39] <LaMenta3> he had to run an errand
[23:40] <LaMenta3> so keep talking
[23:40] <Miranda> lol uberpenguin what were you thinking of doing?
[23:40] <LaMenta3> :p
[23:41] <uberpenguin> Miranda: I was going to share why I was once unpopular with the wifi people at gatech
[23:41] <uberpenguin> but I'll save that for later
[23:41] <Miranda> uberpenguin: ok...
[23:42] <Miranda> so how about the conference rooms....
[23:42] <Miranda> and parking
[23:42] <Miranda> ok, brb for a sec
[23:43] <LaMenta3> what about it? it's all covered in the bid
[23:43] <LaMenta3> reading is FUNdamental ;)
[23:43] <LaMenta3> conference rooms are in the student center, recently renovated, air conditioned, etc.
[23:44] <LaMenta3> parking is adjacent to the site and in other places within reasonable walking distance
[23:44] <LaMenta3> next?
[23:46] <LaMenta3> in completely unrelated news, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle is coming on TBS in 15 minutes
[23:46] <mav> anyway - gotta go - my net out is this; just think about a plan B for the sponsor dinner in case the jury does not like it for whatever reason (and a few thousand bucks in the total budget isn't that much)
[23:47] <LaMenta3> I'm suddenly craving sliders which will give me indigestion that will make me regret craving sliders
[23:49] <LaMenta3> ok people, keep talking or Mike will kick my butt
[23:52] <LaMenta3> hello? is this thing on?
[23:52] <Disavian> yes.
[23:52] <Mike_H> Back.
[23:52] <kmccoy> :)
[23:53] <Mike_H> I printed out the bid, the press release, the website, the UNC event paperwork, and the Georgia Tech subpage
[23:53] <Miranda> LaMenta3: ok...lol good
[23:53] <Mike_H> I figure the rest of the stuff isn't that important to have actually in hand for the ride up.
[23:53] <Miranda> I am wondering if we can have the food catered into a private room of the GT campus in order to save money
[23:53] <Miranda> for the VIP banquet
[23:53] <Miranda> but it's your conference, I am just throwing out ideas
[23:54] <Mike_H> I think we have a good enough bargain as it is, but thanks for the idea. :)
[23:55] <Miranda> okay, for the VIP dinner, Jimbo's going to be there, right?
[23:55] <Mike_H> Yes.
[23:55] <Miranda> like have something to the effect of "take a picture with Jimbo"
[23:55] <Miranda> professional photogropher, etc.
[23:55] <Mike_H> I really don't think that heads of business at certain companies will be jonesing for a picture line.
[23:55] <kmccoy> Hey we did that with Elmo.  $10 a kid!
[23:56] <Mike_H> Even I got a picture with the Coke polar bear for free.
[23:56] <Disavian> even though they may rhyme, Jimbo != Elmo
[23:56] <LaMenta3> slant rhyme maybe
[23:56] <Disavian> if we had Jimbo in an Elmo costume, though...
[23:57] <Miranda> So, at this point, all we need to do is ____.
[23:57] <kmccoy> I still have keys to the Sesame Street trucks, and I know which numbered crate the Elmo costume is in. :)
[23:57] <LaMenta3> work in the background mostly
[23:58] <LaMenta3> nothing that shows up as particularly large additions to the bid as it's pretty much complete
[23:58] <Mike_H> As far as key bid-shaking things, I think we're actually done.
[23:58] <Mike_H> The things that are left are out of our control.
[23:58] <Mike_H> AJC
[23:58] <Mike_H> Turner
[23:58] <Mike_H> etc.
[23:58] <LaMenta3> right now we're getting buy-ins from administrators at Tech, ingratiating ourselves to people, working on sponsors, getting the word out to press...
[23:59] <Mike_H> I think we're right on track as far as where I wanted to be with it.
[23:59] <Mike_H> I've done all I can. Now it's a watch and wait.
[23:59] <Miranda> I think you guys have a really good shot...
[23:59] <Miranda> I have checked other bids, and some info is incomplete
[23:59] <Miranda> how many are we expecting 500 people?
[23:59] <Mike_H> We were told by the judges to plan for 500
[23:59] <Mike_H> yes.
[23:59] <Miranda> ok
Session Time: Thu Sep 20 00:00:00 2007
[00:00] <Miranda> might want to make it 600 just in case
[00:00] <LaMenta3> we can do more than 500 without running afoul of the fire marshal, but all figures that we're dealing with are running off that estimate
[00:01] <Miranda> how about handicap access
[00:01] <LaMenta3> we're having conference services hold 500 beds in dorms
[00:01] <LaMenta3> the campus is completely accessible
[00:01] <Miranda> good
[00:01] <LaMenta3> they have a whole office for that kind of thing
[00:01] <Mike_H> and the way it looks right now
[00:01] <Mike_H> our budget is running about...
[00:01] <Mike_H> $200,000.
[00:01] <LaMenta3> that's actually not bad...
[00:01] <Mike_H> And considering what I've seen with other events of our size
[00:02] <Mike_H> we're about around their estimates too.
[00:02] <Mike_H> At the highest
[00:02] <Mike_H> I foresee we may hit a quarter mil.
[00:02] <Mike_H> Other than that
[00:02] <Mike_H> I think we'd be definitely in the low 200s.
[00:02] <Mike_H> And with good help waiting in the wings
[00:02] <Mike_H> we can recoup the cost
[00:02] <Mike_H> and then some.
[00:02] <Mike_H> I have 110% confidence!
[00:02] <Mike_H> :)
[00:03] <LaMenta3> depending on the departmental buy-ins we get at Tech, it might be lower if we can get discounts on space or free space
[00:03] <Miranda> maybe ask Delta for special discount. They usually do that
[00:03] <Mike_H> If we get free space
[00:03] <Mike_H> the price can be knocked down to as low as $150,000.
[00:03] <Mike_H> Actually, no
[00:03] <Mike_H> I made a mistake, I think
[00:03] <Mike_H> $160,000.
[00:04] <LaMenta3> something minor, but have we looked any more into laptop rentals?
[00:04] <Mike_H> Our large party at the Carter Center will run in the neighborhood of $9,000
[00:04] <Mike_H> and the Mary Mac's will be around $3,000
[00:04] <Miranda> Mike_H: party for....
[00:04] * mav has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)�)
[00:04] <Mike_H> Carter Center = main party
[00:04] <Mike_H> 500+ people
[00:04] <Miranda> make sure that there is liquor at this party
[00:05] <LaMenta3> there will be
[00:05] <Miranda> more liquor = more donation money
[00:05] <LaMenta3> part of the reason we're having the parties off site is because the GT student center has stringent rules on alcohol at events
[00:05] <LaMenta3> it's only allowed if all participants are 21+
[00:05] <Mike_H> Right. GT has to cater the alcohol, and everyone has to be 21.
[00:06] <Miranda> ok
[00:06] <Mike_H> at Mary Mac's and the Carter Center, there is no 21+ rule.
[00:06] <Mike_H> The bartender will simply card.
[00:07] <LaMenta3> as far as logistics for getting people there, the Carter Center is accessible via MARTA and it is a possibility that we could also arrange shuttles for either/both parties if need be
[00:07] <Miranda> ok will there be a steward available during WKM
[00:07] <Miranda> because we don't want the Robdubar incident occuring...again...
[00:07] <Mike_H> Right. We need to look into VIP transportation for the VIP party, at the very least.
[00:08] <LaMenta3> Miranda:I'm not sure I know what you're talking about
[00:08] * Looking up Miranda user info...
[00:08] <Miranda> LaMenta3: nevermind
[00:09] <uberpenguin> still logging?
[00:09] <Mike_H> Yes.
[00:09] <uberpenguin> k
[00:09] <Mike_H> Why?
[00:10] <LaMenta3> he has a funny story to tell that's not germaine
[00:10] <Mike_H> oh
[00:10] <uberpenguin> that, and I don't want it on record
[00:10] <uberpenguin> just kidding :P
[00:11] <Mike_H> Well, anyone have any more issues to discuss?
[00:12] <uberpenguin> nyet
[00:12] <Mike_H> Hillary?
[00:12] <LaMenta3> if I think of anything, I'll IM you and we can discuss it in here tomorrow
[00:13] <Mike_H> We're not having a meeting tomorrow.
[00:13] <Mike_H> This is the final one before the bidding closes.
[00:14] <uberpenguin> oh in that case
[00:14] <uberpenguin> I still dunno about wifi, can't find matt in his office
[00:14] <uberpenguin> probably will just send him an email on friday
[00:14] <Mike_H> You still have time.
[00:14] <uberpenguin> I think we'll be able to work something out
[00:14] <Mike_H> You have the contact.
[00:14] <Mike_H> That's what matters.
[00:14] <LaMenta3> conference services can work some of that out, too, I think
[00:14] <uberpenguin> he may be out of town or just busy
[00:14] <uberpenguin> you'll need matt if you want wifi on this scale
[00:15] <uberpenguin> plus working directly with him will be easier since he is the LAWN guru
[00:15] <LaMenta3> the point is, it's covered to an acceptable extent for this point in the game
[00:16] <uberpenguin> if you're happy I'm happy
[00:17] <LaMenta3> I'm happy. Mike?
[00:17] <Mike_H> I am too.
[00:17] <Mike_H> Miranda, anything else?
[00:17] <Disavian> That's awesome that you know him.
[00:17] <Miranda> Disavian: know who?
[00:17] <Disavian> The LAWN guru.
[00:17] <Miranda> Mike_H: are we repeating this next week or?
[00:17] * Disavian wants to meet him
[00:18] <Mike_H> No.
[00:18] <Mike_H> This is the final meeting before bids close.
[00:18] <Miranda> ok
[00:18] <Mike_H> If we have another meeting it won't be a public input one because it's the bid team's responsibility after Sunday to answer the jury's questions and refine the bid ourselves.
[00:18] <Mike_H> You are welcome to come in, but after Sunday it's really the bid team's thing from there on out.
[00:19] <uberpenguin> yeah, it's an US-only club and YOU aren't invited, nyaa
[00:19] <LaMenta3> well, they're invited, but they don't get any cookies :p
[00:19] <Mike_H> :P
[00:19] <Mike_H> I didn't mean it like that
[00:19] <Mike_H> but really
[00:19] <Mike_H> after Sunday
[00:20] <Mike_H> it's up to us to refine the bid as the jury asks questions
[00:20] <Mike_H> not anyone else's.
[00:20] * kmccoy has left #wikimania-atlanta
[00:21] <uberpenguin> ja
[00:24] <uberpenguin> ahahaha...
[00:24] <uberpenguin> http://www.gedcenter.org/
[00:24] <uberpenguin> "WEBSIGHT"
[00:24] <uberpenguin> good job, sysadmin
[00:24] <uberpenguin> hey, it's hasler... I was taking a class from him
[00:24] <LaMenta3> Most of the other things I could bring up to discuss are really just minor issues that are bid team jobs
[00:25] <Mike_H> Yeah
[00:25] <Mike_H> okay
[00:25] <Mike_H> then we'll call the meeting over
[00:25] <Mike_H> logging is off...now