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Høydepunkter fra Wikimedia, desember 2012

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Highlights, December 2012 and the translation is 22% complete.

Høydepunkter fra Wikimedia Foundations rapport og Wikimedias utviklingsrapport for desember 2012, med et utvalg andre viktige hendelser i Wikimedia-bevegelsen

Høydepunkter fra Wikimedia Foundation

Valgfri test av VisualEditor på Wikipedia på engelsk

En alfa-versjon av VisualEditor, det kommende tekstbehandlingsgrensesnittet som vil gjøre det enklere å redigere wikisider, ble slått på på engelskspråklig Wikipedia i desember. Erfarne brukere kan nå prøve den ut og gi tilbakemelding om problemer og prioriteringer.

«The Impact of Wikipedia» (video produsert for innsamlingsaksjonen, med undertekster på diverse språk)

Rekordhøyt antall donasjoner i den korteste innsamlingsaksjonen hittil

Innsamlingsgruppa nådde årets mål på 24 millioner dollar tidlig i år, hvilket gjør denne innsamlingsaksjonen til den korteste hittil. Vi har også hatt et rekordhøyt antall gaver: 1,484 millioner gaver siden 1. juli. Kampanjen ble avslutta med et «takkebanner» som introduserte leserte for en mangfoldig gruppe bidragsytere via skriftlige beskjeder og videointervjuer. Rundt en halv million mennesker så en fire minutter lang videointroduksjon til Wikipedia-brukere, og det var en økning av antall opprettede kontoer.

Første runde av den nye pengefordelingsprosessen avsluttes

Wikimedia Foundations styre, godkjente anbefalingene til pengefordelingskomiteen (FDC) som fordelte 8,43 millioner dollar til elleve Wikimedia-organisasjoner. Dette markerte en vellykka slutt på første runde av den nye FDC-prosessen. Denne endringa i hvordan penger fordeles innen Wikimedia-bevegelsen ble beskrevet av styremedlemmene Jan-Bart de Vreede og Patricio Lorente som «en betydningsfull maktdelegering til det globale frivillige felleskapet av wikimedianere». Komiteen ble dannet tidlig i 2012, og består av sju frivillige fra sju forskjellige land, som har redigeringserfaring fra flere Wikimedia-prosjekter, og har grunnlagt eller vært styremedlemmer i fem forskjellige lokale Wikimedia-organisasjoner.

Statistikk og trender

Globale unike besøkende i november:

484,5 millioner (−0,79 % sammenligna med oktober; +2,06 % sammenligna med forrige år)
(comScore-data for alle Wikimedia Foundations prosjekter; comScore gir ut data for desember seinere i januar)

Page requests for December:

20.2 billion (-0.8% compared with November; +23.5% compared with the previous year)
(Server log data, all Wikimedia Foundation projects including mobile access)

Active Registered Editors for November 2012 (>= 5 mainspace edits/month, excluding bots):

79,532 (-0.03% compared with October / +0.59% compared with the previous year)
(Database data, all Wikimedia Foundation projects. Note: We recently refined this metric to take into account Wikimedia Commons and activity across several projects.)

Report Card (integrating various statistical data and trends about WMF projects) for November 2012:




Wikimedia Foundation YTD Revenue and Expenses vs Plan as of November 30, 2012
Wikimedia Foundation YTD Expenses by Functions as of November 30, 2012

(Financial information is only available for November 2012 at the time of this report.)

All financial information presented is for the Month-To-Date and Year-To-Date November 30, 2012.

Revenue $16,614,546
Engineering Group $5,309,228
Fundraiser Group $1,442,814
Grantmaking & Programs Group $2,159,357
Governance Group $314,952
Legal/Community Advocacy/Communications Group $1,265,059
Finance/HR/Admin Group $2,267,388
Total Expenses $12,758,798
Total surplus/(loss) $3,855,748
  • Revenue for the month of November is $11.26MM vs plan of $10.29MM, approximately $964K or 9% over plan.
  • Year-to-date revenue is $16.61MM vs plan of $15.50MM, approximately $1.11MM or 7% over plan.
  • Expenses for the month of November is $2.83MM vs plan of $3.12MM, approximately $290K or 9% under plan, primarily due to lower personnel expenses and capital expenses partially offset by higher legal expenses, bank fees, outside contract services, and operating grants.
  • Year-to-date expenses is $12.76MM vs plan of $14.64MM, approximately $1.88MM or 13% under plan, primarily due to personnel expenses, internet hosting, travel expenses, capital expenses, and outside contract services partially offset by higher legal expenses, bank fees, and awards and grants.
  • Cash position is $28.06MM as of November 30, 2012.
Video of the monthly Wikimedia Foundation metrics and activities meeting covering the month of December (January 10, 2013)

Other movement highlights

One of the images released by the Israeli Government Press Office: King Hussein of Jordan lights the cigarette of Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin shortly after the signing of the 1994 peace treaty.

Israeli and Czech chapters convince governments to make images freely available

The government of Israel has announced it will allow the public to freely use images by government officials that are available on government websites. Wikimedia Israel played a major role in the legislative process of almost three years that led to the government's decision. In the Czech republic, the local Wikimedia chapter managed to convince the country's senate to release photos of newly elected senators.

One of the images released by the RCE: Dutch windmill "De Koperslager" after a fire in 1964

More than half a million free photos of Dutch monuments for Wikimedia Commons

The Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE), a Dutch organization working for the protection of national heritage sites, has released a collection of 555.000 images made by its employees under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 NL license. These are being uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and contain some unique historical photos. In separate news, Commons reached the milestone of 15 million free media files in December.

Workshop of the German Volunteer response team

Around 15 members of the German-language support team (OTRS team) met in Berlin for a two-day workshop. Commonly referred to as the “volunteer response team”, these trusted community members handle a wide range of emails from Wikimedia users and the public, including complaints about Wikipedia articles, inquiries about the Wikimedia projects in general, and statements of permission for images uploaded to Wikimedia Commons. The Berlin workshop was the latest in a series that began in 2008. Topics included legal aspects such as personality rights and copyright, and improving the quality and efficiency of the work on the responses. According to a new statistical report for all languages, 39,729 requests were received in 2012 via the general contact page on the Wikimedia projects, 20,112 of them in English and 7,647 in German. In addition, 13,563 permissions emails were processed.