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Fundraising/Translation/Thank you email 2018-10-01

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

[ifFirstnameAndLastname] Hi [given name]! [elseifFirstnameAndLastname] Dear donor, [endifFirstnameAndLastname]

I love that it’s my job to thank you for your [amount] [ifRecurring]monthly[endifRecurring] contribution to Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation.

The essential story of Wikipedia is the story of an individual, like you, giving a little bit of themselves to keep the doors of discovery open. Your [ifRecurring]monthly recurring[endifRecurring] contribution shows me that the spirit of our vision is alive and well.

{% if "RecurringRestarted" in contribution_tags %} We recently resolved a small technical issue which paused some monthly recurring donations. We have reinstated your recurring donation, and it will process normally going forward. We will not charge you for the months that were skipped. Thank you for your patience and your support, and please feel free to email donate@wikimedia.org if you have any questions. {% endif %}

{% if "UnrecordedCharge" in contribution_tags %} We recently resolved a technical issue which caused a small number of donors to not receive a confirmation of their donation. Please accept this email as a thank you for your donation on [date]. We truly appreciate your patience and your support, and please feel free to email donate@wikimedia.org if you have any questions. {% endif %}

[ifRecurring] Your donation keeps Wikipedia independent, and your monthly support is essential for long-term planning, helping us see what Wikipedia can achieve in the years ahead. Once a month, a donation of [amount] will be debited by the Wikimedia Foundation until you notify us to stop. We will send you a summary each January of your contributions for the previous year. If for whatever reason you wish to cancel your donation, follow these [#recurringCancel easy cancellation instructions]. [endifRecurring]

You probably donated because Wikipedia is useful to you. That’s one of the main reasons people tell me when I ask them why they support Wikipedia. But what may surprise you is that one of the top reasons people don’t give is because they can’t afford to.

At the Wikimedia Foundation, we believe that no one should have to pay to learn. We believe knowledge should always be free. We will never charge anyone to use Wikipedia. So how do we afford the infrastructure of one of the world’s most popular websites?

Because of the generosity of people like you.

Wikipedia is yours: yours to read, yours to edit, yours in which to get lost. We’re not the destination, we’re the beginning.

[ifFirstnameAndLastname] [given name], thank you for helping free knowledge thrive. [elseifFirstnameAndLastname] Thank you for helping free knowledge thrive. [endifFirstnameAndLastname]


Katherine Maher
Executive Director, Wikimedia Foundation

Many employers will generously match employee contributions: please check with your employer to see if they have a corporate matching gift program.

For your records: Your donation, number [contributionId], on [date] was [amount].

This letter may serve as a record of your donation. No goods or services were provided, in whole or in part, for this contribution. Our postal address is: Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 98204, Washington, DC 20090-8204, USA. U.S. tax-exempt number: 20-0049703.

If you do not wish to receive any future fundraising emails from the Wikimedia Foundation, you can [#unsubscribe unsubscribe instantly]. Please note we will still send you receipts, like this one, for future donations.