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This page is a translated version of the page Universal Code of Conduct/2021 consultations/Roundtable discussions/Summaries and the translation is 40% complete.

このページは、ユニバーサル行動規範の施行について、2021 consultationsのうち、円卓会議で交わされた主な考えやアイデアを大まかにまとめたものです。

これらの円卓会議は、他のウィキメディアンの間で率直に話し合うための自由でオープンな場です。通話は録音されないので、【進行役? ファシリテーション】チームは、主に共有のイーサーパッドで要約を作成します。話し合いの参加者は、気軽に、メールやトークページで忘れていた考えを追加するよう頼んだり、直接編集したりすることができます。他の人に言及する時には、その人自身のことより、そのアイディアや視点を、"チャタムハウスルール"によって尊重します。帰属先によっては、一部の参加者はMeta discussionsにも投稿しているかもしれません。




2021年9月18日、ユニバーサル行動規範ファシリテーションチーム(進行役チーム※1)は、ユニバーサル行動規範 施行ガイドライン草稿の査読 EDGR ※2について一緒に話し合う円卓会議の会を開催しました。会議は2回あり、1回目は03:00 UTC(※3)、2回目は15:00 UTC(※4)でした。(※1=facilitation team、※2=EDGR:Enforcement draft guidelines review、※3=アジア太平洋地域が参加しやすい時間帯、※4=欧米が参加しやすい時間帯)



  • 質問1:申し立て。不服はどこが受け付けるのですか?
  • 質問2:申し立て。どのような機関、団体、判断者が訴えについて処理することになっているのでしょうか?
  • 質問3:U4C委員会もまた、個々の案件を決定したり、不服申し立てを処理するべきでしょうか?(※=UCoC Enforcement Committee:ユニバーサル行動規範施行委員会、以下同)
  • 質問4:UCoC違反の不服申し立ては、どのような場合に可能になるのでしょうか?
  • 質問5: 不服申し立てを認める前に、私たち【草稿委員会? 誰?】はどのような種類の行動や証拠を確認する必要がありますか?
  • 質問6:不服申し立ての手続きは誰が行うのでしょうか?
  • 質問7:UCoC違反の決定に対して、どれくらいの頻度で不服申し立てができるようにすべきでしょうか?
  • 質問8:個々のウィキメディア・プロジェクトには、UCoC施行の方法について、どこまで決定を許可すべきですか?
  • 質問9:U4Cはどのような利用者グループを含まなければならないのでしょうか。
  • 質問10:U4Cの規模はどのくらいが適切でしょうか?
  • 質問11:私たちには、地域別の分科会が必要でしょうか?
  • 質問12:技術行動規範委員会【現在のところ、技術空間CoCを執行する委員会。MediaWiki、Phabricator、GitHubその他のウィキメディア開発空間に適用されている)】のような他のグローバル行動委員会を、提議されたU4Cに統合すべきですか?

(※=TCoC:Technical Code of Conduct committee、技術空間CoCを執行する委員会。現在、MediaWiki、Phabricator、GitHubその他のウィキメディア開発空間に適用)

03:00 UTC (日本標準時 12:00)

03:00 (UTC) の会合には、3名の方が参加しました。
  • 細かい指摘 - ローカルWikiで話し合いを始めるに際して、現在の書類は巨大で、量が多すぎます。【進行役】チームは、施行案を要約した「要約」を紹介しました。参加者はこの草稿を支持しています。
  • グローバル施行のための作業負荷に関する懸念 - スチュワードたちは、UCoCを作成するための追加作業を行う時間があまりないでしょう。
  • 単一の委員会と複数レベルの委員会の比較
    • 複数モデルに関するアイデア:2つのグループ(レベル)の委員会。
      • ひとつのグループは【システム的】な問題を扱います: このグループは、たとえウィキ【の人々】が望んでいないとしても、ウィキ【の技術面の機能?】に干渉しなければならないでしょう。これには微妙なニュアンスが必要。つまり人選が慎重に行われるべきです。選定プロセスは争いになってはいけません(例えば、スチュワードの選挙など)。
      • もう1つのグループは、小規模なWikiを扱います。グループに人を集める手順は、かなり単純になるでしょう。グループには、多くの人が参加する必要があります。(小規模Wiki監視チームみたいな?)
  • 小委員会? 【副委員会?】
    • 本文中では深く触れられていません。
  • 報告手続きを悪用される懸念
  • 大量の報告書を処理するには、あまりにも作業が多すぎます。
  • 委員会の仕事はどの程度きついですか?
  • ある人が何をしているのかを説明するために、役割をより具体的にする必要があります - 【それらは】委員会の一部なのか、その委員会によって任命されるのか(これはまだ議論中で、これはまだ予備的な名前/アイデアです)。
  • 委員会の決定を執行する人ですか? もしそうなら、なぜ既存の組織(スチュワードまたはローカル管理者、またはT&Sスタッフ)に任せることができなかったのでしょう?
  • 決定を下すのはやっかいで、スキルと時間、(それに事件の大量の情報が)必要です。
  • コメント :日々の施行はローカルな組織(小さなWikiの【GS】)が行い、複雑なものや【グローバルに? グローバルなルールで】解決できないものだけを転送し、グローバル委員会に【引き継ぐ】べき。
  • U4C(ユニバーサル行動規範執行委員会、以下同)のグローバルな不服申し立て手続きは、ローカルの組織を無益にするでしょう。なぜならば、すべての案件が不服申し立てに行くでしょうから。
    • 不服申し立てができるのは、建設的な貢献をした利用者に限ります。
  • 新規利用者に対する公平性があるべきではありませんか? 新規利用者は、不服申し立てをしたい問題を抱えているかもしれません。
  • 上訴の乱用についての懸念。「下部組織が自分をブロックした」というような理由で不服申し立てする人がいます。
  • 不服申立ては、【背景←文脈】に基づいて行われるべきです。
    • UCoCの対象外である場合(単なる編集の衝突のような) - 不服申し立てに参加することはできません。
    • 【不服申し立て】の提出が可能になるには、どの程度の活動【編集?】回数があれば良いでしょう?
    • 時間的な限界:活動レベル【編集回数?】と【Focus】の差があるのですから、まったくの新規利用者は報告で、時間や委員会を使い果てさせることを許されてはなりません。
    • 差別があるのなら、どんなに編集回数が少なくても報告してもらうべきです。

質問12: 技術行動規範委員会(TCoC)など、他のグローバルな行動規範委員会は、提案されているU4Cに統合すべきでしょうか?

  • 南アジアコミュニティ会議にて: メンバーは【構造、組織?】を、CoCに統合(質問12)するかどうか協議しました。 → 技術行動規範委員会の決定は、U4C経由で不服申し立てができるものとし、行われた【(違反?)】行為のタイプに基づいて、TCoCとU4Cのあいだで処理されるものとします。
  • TCoCは今後、通常の「U4C委員会」よりも技術的な理解を深めていくことになるでしょう。誰もが技術的なことに詳しいわけではありません。
  • もしスムーズにいくなら、このまま運営しても問題はないかもしれません。TCoCの意思決定が今までと多少異なる可能性があります。

15:00 UTC (9月29日0:00 日本標準時間)


小部会1号室 – 施行策の草稿について


  • 方向性は2択:初めにローカルを通さねばならないのですか? (ごく小規模なコミュニティは想定外)それとも直接、グローバルの場で取りかれるようにします。(〈訳註=ローカルを〉バイパスする)
  • コメント:規範執行【役員】は不服の申し立てを直接読むことができます。草稿委員会のメンバーは、「UCoC執行役員」が何か、十分に定義していないと答えました。あらゆるローカルの管理者は、自動的に含まれる可能性があります。【荒らし】との戦いは、ずっと彼らの義務でした。
  • どのような状況のときに、ローカルな手順が行われないのですか?
    • ローカルに先行案件がない場合は、直接、グローバルな U4Cに上げられます。
    • 示唆: 「小さなwikiの【グローバル?な裁定委員会?】」は言語の壁があり、一人の人物によって管理するのは困難です。
  • 施行の仕組みにおいて、実際に誰が不服申し立てを提出できるか、制限を設ける案がありました。
  • ある参加者より、不服申し立てをする権利は、有益な編集という形での当該利用者の功労に基づくものとするよう提案がありました(たとえば、財団ウィキ全体で良質、あるいは良質になり得る編集実績が少なくとも20回あるいは50回あるなど)。
  • アカウント登録をした荒らしで悪質な編集を5回した場合には不服申し立ての権利がありません。
  • 正確には誰が、違反事例を起こした人物に対して申し立てをするのですか?
DCから質問 – U4C はローカルに裁定委員会のような組織があっても手続きを行うべきですか? (以下、参加者からのコメント)

委員会は、他の団体が対処を行っている場合、個別の手続きを行うべきではないのでしょうか? たとえば、U4Cが処理している案件に、ローカルが介入すべきではありません。

  • もし、ローカルに裁定委員会があれば、それが最終決定をする団体になるかもしれません。
  • 【この事例で?】裁定委員会がこれらの人たちから関与を依頼されたときはどうなるのでしょうか。
  • 不服申し立ての手順として可能な案
    • 初めに、ローカルの全選択肢が担当します。
  • それからグローバルな行動規範の手続きに送ります。

『定義されていない』内容についての懸念があります。内容というのは、U4C と規範執行【幹部】の役割の詳細な中身です。

小部会2号室 – 批准


複数の参加者は、批准とは UCoC 施行の草稿に含まれて当然と予想し、方針チームの独断で批准の手段が決まることに懸念を示しました。

  • Discussed and mentioned on the upcoming functionaries meeting ; a participant asked why it seemed to focus on Arbitration Committees.
    • 複数の委員会メンバーは公開【質問状 →書簡? 他では書簡でした】に署名していました。書簡には、批准と【何年?】10月の役務者会議※1に裁定委員※2以外が同席した点に言及しています。すなわち役務者、管理者、その他の利用者も招待されていました。(※:1=functionaries meeting。2=arbitration committee)
  • ある参加者は、未だに批准の質問に結論が出ないのはなぜか尋ねました。早い段階で批准の方法を決めるほうが良い結果が期待できること、そのため、批准への疑問が、規範そのものの協議を邪魔【 してはいけない?】と指摘しました。
  • Metaより【オンライン会合?】でたくさんの議論が行われていることにも懸念が高まりました。
    • A suggested solution was to have several RFCs on the topic, starting with a question as to whether the general direction is correct and later on about the final product
      • A counterpoint was that some users are either unintimidated or uninterested in participating in the Meta discussions, and other formats are more comfortable
    • 可能性のある解決策:複数の道すじで合意を見きわめる


  • VG※11 – ローカルのプロジェクト群(例:ウィキペディアの英語版、フランス語版ウィキニュース)
  • VG2 – プロジェクト全体の活動中の編集者
  • VG3 – 公認提携団体(国・地方別協会 affiliates)
  • VG4 – 財団理事会

ある参加者より、どの批准の過程でも小規模ウィキあるいは大規模ウィキの投票権剥奪※2をどう予防するのか疑問が提示されました。 (※:1=Voters/voting Group。2=disenfranchising)

A participant noted that the projects without regulations are the ones most affected by the UCOC and any related rule changes, so these are the communities that should be asked; looking for ⅔ of projects to support. A participant expressed concern about the dissenting projects being bound by those in support.

ある参加者のコメント。「気づきと理解が重要です。批准について私たちが質問しないままだったら、利用者は皆、単にタスクを拒否するだけになります」 批准にはいずれ規模の大小どちらのコミュニティからも支持を取り付けるべきで、どちらも(そしてすべての)コミュニティに影響するからです。

  • 小規模な言語に対して注意を喚起するための【アウトリーチ 】に努めます。;ひとつのアイディアは、翻訳に対する助成金です。(申請が2021年10月から始まります)
  • 管理者のいない(あるいは、活動していない)ローカルのプロジェクトへの特別な、【積極的救援】を行うことです。
  • ある参加者は規範をあらゆる言語で読めるようにするのが必須という感想を寄せました。
  • MSG チームが他の言語版を追加し、配布する方法を調べます。
  • 施行の草稿査読者を増やすには、参加者より概略をつかめる要目の作成もしくはサイト横断バナーの掲出を提言されました。
  • UCoC 文書ならびに施行ガイドラインの翻訳を可能な限り多くの言語で行いましょう。 (対照するなら行動規範(※)には27言語版があります。※Terms of Use)
  • The question was raised about how to enforce rules if a user claims they were not aware of them.
  • A concern was raised that we are not getting much attendance from smaller projects.
  • A concern was raised that discussion on larger projects is also uninformed and under-participated.



  • Too hard to define the size. Not reasonable to have a really bad subjective, non-admin dealing with the problem, thus different for going complaints. Depends on the election, flexible – but not too much limitation.
  • The roles and responsibilities should be defined before deciding the size.
  • Some participants supported the idea of multiple subcommittee.
  • Highly dependent on the workload.
Possible ideas about terms of U4C (How long each U4C member serves?)
  • Comments are varied 1 to 2 year term if permanent committee
  • 事例ごとに構成員を招集するのですか?
  • Have to have optimal effort to hear.
  • 「1、2年を設定し、再任に上限を設けない案を推します」
  • 「任期4年で再任なしの案です – must be at least a 再任には最低1年の空白期間を設けて、また任命可能
  • 「無作為抽選なら扱う事例数に特定の上限を設けて半年から1年半の休眠期間に入る案」
  • The UCOC doesn't differentiate between the types of bad behaviours, i.e. interpersonal conduct, interfering with creating content, and interfering with content, which leads to inclarity as to how and what we are enforcing
  • 非常に高度な透明性遵守義務がある(※1)(特定のプロジェクトに存在)。私の見たところ(※2), どのプロジェクトより厳格です。UCoC では告発を受けた人が望む限り事案を非公開にでき、ときには証拠となるものを告発を受けた人に隠すことまで含まれています。UCoC の水準は単独の管理者がこれらの意思決定を非公開で下すとしており、それはまったく公正ではなく、可能にしてはならず、適正でもありません。そこから "証拠を告発を受けた人から隠す"問題は除外されています。(※=transparency obligations)
  • Concerns about getting people from a small wiki: Small wikis already have capacity issues. Very few have responded to calls for feedback. Where are the volunteers going to come from to staff the committees?
  • 委員の顔ぶれが固定することに懸念あり。


While we continued the discussion the separate open question etherpad was open to let participants express their ideas about questions that were raised from the drafting committee. Here is a summary of answers that were expressed during the session.

Community members are encouraged to continue answering these questions on the roundtable questions section at meta-wiki discussion page.

Q1: UCoC に基づく反論はどこが窓口ですか?(初めての反論提出で手続きが開始される場合)

  1. まずローカルで手順を踏むのか?
  2. 直接、グローバルへ進んで良い。
  3. 以下の事例だとすると対処は?
    • 小規模ウィキの場合
    • オフラインでの違反行動
    • ウィキ横断/グローバルなオフラインの違反
    • ウィキ横断の違反
    • 職員/提携組織の違反

(※:1=conduct violation。2=cross-wiki/global offline violation。3=staff/affiliate violation。)

  • 以下の作業工程に進む:ローカルの管理者→ローカルの他の管理者→裁定委員会→終了。ただこの図式が有効なのは裁定委員会を置くプロジェクト限定(※=flow。)
    • 裁定委員会のないプロジェクトの場合。作業工程はほぼローカルの委員会に終始し、次に国際的な委員会、最終的に WMF 指名の特別委員会にあげます(※=ウィキメディア財団)
  • This will vary depending on local Community conduct standards. So for en-wiki, only hyper-basic cases can have even their first round be a single admin (vandalism etc). Otherwise it's then an administrator's noticeboard, then arbcom.
  • For smaller wiki, a dedicated global or smaller wiki ArbCom to review the case first before processed to UCoC.


There was one comment about the WMF or special committee.

質問3: U4C 委員会はさらに個別の案件を裁定するまたは不服申し立てを扱うべきか?

  • 条件付きの賛成意見:
    • 参加者の多くはこれはローカルに不服申し立てのできない場合に限定すべきであるとした。
    • U4C の裁量で、申し立ての成否、正当な根拠の有無を決議できるが、案件を直接、処理することは認められない。
  • その他のコメント:「U4C」が聴聞するのはシステム上の案件※1でコミュニティに行動規範の仕組み※2が確立したとみなされる場合(もしくはその移譲※3を決めた場合。)


  • 各人1回限定としますが、しかしながらその他の要件たとえば特段の条件を満たす利用者に限定して複数回を認めるなど柔軟に対応することも可能とする。
  • UCoC には単一の不服申し立てに対する提出期限を規定できるものとする(1年以内はほぼ確実。)
  • コミュニティの裁量により、追加の申し立てのレベルをまとめることができるものとする。


  • 証拠は具体的かつ明確であるべきで、誤解されないものである必要があります
  • 「はい、やったけどブロック解除を希望」というタイプの不服申し立ての扱い方



  • ローカルのコミュニティ月案件の解決に失敗した場合、不服申し立て人(the aggrieved)はさらに1段階上の機構に申し立て(escalate)ができるものとし、この場合、コミュニティは問題の当事者となる。
  • ローカル外の組織は不服申し立てに関与してはならず、意思決定の過程に関与した(もしくは案件が移譲された)、もしくは「システム化された荒らし」の評決が決した後で不服申し立てを査定する場合を除外する。(※=global admins、stewards、UCOC[,] committee。訳注=[,]は誤植。)

Q7: How often should someone be allowed to appeal a UCoC violation decision?


  • 「複数のレベルで不服申し立てを認めるなら、どのレベルでも1回ずつのみとする。」
  • 「不服申し立ては適切なフォーラムに年1回を下限として認めるものとして、その後はコミュニティの裁量でさらに不服申し立てを受け付ける。 」

Q8: To what extent should individual Wikimedia projects be allowed to decide how they enforce the UCoC?

Need differentiation according to project size and existence of local arbcoms.

Q9: Which group of users should U4C include?

Comments (possible ideas):

  • The most important are the geographical and cultural representation)
  • I hope they'll be elected. then the votes will decide
  • Each project have different sets of users, so there shouldn't be limitations on standing to be on U4C if it's an election; though if it's appointed, then it makes more sense to limit to editor categories
  • jury-like format; so a pool of pre-qualified editors for each case that could be drawn to help decide to have users from projects that are known to be reasonable and also know the local culture so they can participate in a case impartially.

Q10: How big should U4C be?

The size of U4C should be depending on how large their tasks are. Many participants agree with defining the duties of U4C first before size. There was also a suggestion that maybe have a flexible size with a minimum and maximum composition of the U4C.

Q11: Do we need the regional subcommittee?

No clear consensus: The comments are evenly divided. One participant expressed the idea that they may allow excluding communities with local arbcom.

Q12: Should other global conduct committees, such as the Technical Code of Conduct committee, be merged into the proposed U4C?

Not included in this report as there is no clear consensus.

Next step

The enforcement draft guideline review (EDGR) period will continue through October 17th. Participate in the on-wiki discussions which are happening across wikimedia projects.

Since the drafting committee requested priority to discuss the open questions, all opinions were not heard due to time constraints. Therefore, “last-minute conversation hour” will be scheduled for October 15th, 2021 on 03:00 UTC and 14:00 UTC. Participants are encouraged to sign up and bring your questions.

Conversation Hour

For various reasons, we do not disclose what content was sent or received during the conversation. However, we present a list of topics that have been discussed for future discussion reference. The feedbacks from the conversation hour are will be include on the Digests.

August 24
  • Coverage of UCoC enforcement on personal space
  • 不服申し立ての手順
  • Process after EDGR consultation period
  • UCoC 本文の批准
  • Regarding cultural differences: see section titled “Recommendations of UCoC Consent amongst Community and Foundation Staff:”
August 31
  • Regarding U4C committee; supportive; how we should utilize; When should forward to U4C
  • Systemic violation of UCoC, need to clarifying the term of "systemic/systematic"
  • Report tool: How do we distribute the report, which level? And to who?
  • Escalation system should be very clear. If some things could be handled locally, solved locally could be escalated to another place, and the report tool
September 7
  • Drafting committee is wants more feedback for the "open questions" that provided to the community.
  • Some small size wiki (especially non-Wikipedia) may not need the training due to low harassment level.
  • How big U4C committee will be? How U4C should composed? How would the volunteers and paid staff interact in such a process?
  • 報告手続きを悪用される懸念がある。
  • Context sensitivity.
October 15
  • Now we are almost on end of EDGR period, what's next, what drafting committee will do?
    • The Drafting committee will back on duty on October 19 for "Drafting Committee Proposal Refining" process". Members will read the digest and other reports, and improve the draft based on comments.
  • How we ensure the smooth implementation?
  • Agreements of UCoC when registering (check box). How about existing users and anonymous users?
  • The other party has right to say (discussion from Meta-wiki.)
  • Concerns about complex case that may including the NDA.
  • Where we draw a line between community enforcement and Foundation's intervention -> this could be the good question for the clarification.
  • 申し立てには不明瞭点がある → U4C 委員会へ申し立ての手続きを規定するべき
  • Recent office action; public perception of sanctions.

Community meetings

There were various Universal Code of Conduct community meetings in multiple languages based on avaliblity of MSG facilitators. The following link is the combined summary from those community meetings.

ウィキマニア 2021

ウィキマニア 2021会期中にユニバーサル行動規範の円卓会議を8月16日 1:00 UTC - 11:45 UTC に催しました。

Session recording on YouTube (will be uploaded soon to Commons)

Summaries for enforcement guidelines drafting roundtables

Each session begins with a brief introduction about the nature of the call, which is to help understand how community members think the Universal Code of Conduct should be applied in individual contexts. The main audience for the input that is provided is the drafting committee, whose work is designing enforcement proposals for a comprehensive community room later this year.

Not everything written in these summaries represents a complete thought, suggestion, or idea, some items merely highlight areas that require further inquiry.

Individual views expressed here may represent one or many.

May 15

The first round-table was attended by around 25 people, and discussed a number of topics including the potential for multi-project or global arbcoms, how private reporting should be managed and handled, and how to increase awareness about the Universal Code of Conduct and need to adhere to the expected behaviours.

Multi-project arbcom proposal

m:Arctic Knot Conference 2021/Submissions/The case for multi-project ArbComs in language and cultural groups

  • 長所
    • 委員会1件に各言語や文化グループを集約した方が、プロジェクト単位より人員配置がしやすい
    • 多言語だから偏重を予防できると期待される。
    • 当該の委員会は英語を第一言語にしなくても良い 。
    • 言語間や文化面の違いをもっと理解できる
    • グローバルに統一された決定ができる
  • 短所
    • Cases where it won't work; as there are places where the same language groups are quite divided – e.g. Ukraine and Russian , where they would not accept the Russian language rulings set by, e.g. Russian versus Ukrainian resident
    • How do we keep decision making to be equitable across regions
    • Controversial issues , someone that is not biased / political should be reviewing the day-to-day.
  • Idea about High Profile arbitration?
    • global level of arbitration? On the top of local enforcement bodies or multicultural arbcoms?

This was further discussed in the second round table discussion in may 29.

How much can be shared with people who are accused or sanctioned (through UCoC)?

Many participants from LLC consultation brought the idea that there should be private/alternative reporting pathways to report behavioural violation. However in this roundtable session, there were many concerns about using the private report pathways. They are saying that transparency is a very important subject.

  • When can private reporting be used, where the person making the complaint is not known, or the evidence leading to the sanction is provided to the user.
  • How to handle a situation whereby the accused uses the information shared to further harass the victim?
  • Private report buttons will generate a lot of reports, some steps are needed to submit and advice that only relevant/serious reports should be made. Or the false(fake/biased) reporting?
  • When protected/private report pathway is running, The reporter should be protected
  • Issues elevated to Arbcom normally involves harassment and so on, so a participant felt there should be a guideline (or a question) to reveal information to the accused
  • protecting the reporter is also important.

There are concerns about “report” button next to every comment or page, it may be used inappropriately.

How do we ensure the UCOC gets applied globally, and how do we ensure it's implemented globally properly?
  • Suggestion: Welcome messages that mention the UCoC that mention reporting pathways – To try to solve problems before they come up
    • The current situation is: community member joins, encounters problems, and does not know of the reporting pathways: not always clear where to report, and response is not always consistent
      • "Agree to these terms of service"
      • "I like that suggestion. Might also help newbies in learning how to properly interact with other users, thereby preventing unintended harassment.".
  • We should keep it simple.
  • "Information about UCoC could also be integrated to the Growth features, which has been deployed to several major projects." (mw:Growth/Personalized first day)

May 29

The second round-table discussion was attended by around 20 people and formed two breakout rooms. One room discussed systemic bias and community approval of UCoC, while the other room discussed possible enforcement principles. When re-joining the main room, brief summaries of the two rooms were provided. Afterwards, there was discussion about the workload that might be created, the peer-dependent enforcement model generally, and other resources that are available to volunteers.

Breakout room 1: Systemic bias / Community approval of UCoC

Systemic bias
  • Consider Race, sexuality, religion: Can "harassment" be done via "article content", i.e. as a result of (possibly subtle) bias within article content?
  • Certain languages have no gender neutral pronouns, prescribing "when in doubt use male form".
      • We should allow project participants to help discover solutions, though some language speakers feel the gendered words should be kept.
      • English doesn't really have gendered forms of words but does have , e.g. "chairman", "chairperson" exists but some vigorously oppose such forms
      • MediaWiki settings allow three options, if others are included, where is line drawn?
    • E.g. USA ; topic of "Islam", 'islamaphobia', so entries on such topics are extensive, there can be heated discussions, consensus is ongoing but the process – which must include compromise – then subtle bias can be included – which can such "harassment" or marginalization be amplified by the fact that the content is being distributed on a wide scale
  • Interactions between users ; established, admin users when interacting with new users (newbies): new users can sometimes be prejudged to be at fault , even assumption of bad faith, or bias towards, e.g. geographical location; those from West African communities , will assume that they are up to no good and pre-emptively block them (e.g. for sockpuppetry)
    • Sanction is applied, and then sometimes other problems (usually less problematic, sometimes just excuses) with their activity get highlighted when looking at the options, to prevent lifting the sanction.
    • 〈(結束して)守りを固める〉と言うほどではないものの、不服申し立ての課題で適法な論点を見つけるには
  • Sometimes it's hard for outgroups to even identify when a particular group is being marginalized
  • Defining religion is difficult, so we should also consider people's beliefs, faith, spirituality
    • Can be hard for religious people to contribute, they could feel excluded due to the way content is written
      • A majority of complaints in the business work tend to be related to feeling excluded due to religion, or, calling something pseudoscience. However, there aren’t easy answers to solve this critically.
      • E.g. zhwiki: Uighur people – their views are not respected, or they are described in a negative way, edit conflict, their edits are not usually allowed to remain, e.g. content about human rights abuse, the Chinese government view will prevail
      • E.g. Mormonism , called a cult in the start of the article -should there be a way to report that?
      • E.g. Scientology , a particularly adhering administrator will not help except if people agree with their POV about scientology, or block users who aren't adhering to same view
      • E.g. Shia / Sunni Muslim differences
      • Administrators from countries with extreme laws LGBT not willing to take on LGBT issues
  • "Identity topics" (race, religion, sexual orientation, etc) can have outsized impact on marginalization in society – how to address criticism in these topics without marginalizing? Formal guidelines/conventions? (Ex: a "criticism" section towards the bottom of the article?)
  • Polarizing topics (which have strong, contradictory opinions. ie, adherents of religion vs. those against a religion) could require special handling, depending on how many people are affected by the content of the article – ie, article content could have a large societal impact.
  • Idea: advanced-level diversity + inclusivity training for administrators handling these topics. An offending administrator could be required to complete such training as an enforcement action
  • Idea: documentation / training / guidelines for administrators of polarizing topics, maybe docs specifically for religion. How to address criticism of one's own religion, NPOV, etc.
  • Idea: allowing readers to flag an article for bias content could result in large quantities of data, but, in aggregate, might reveal systemic bias, resulting in suggested training/correction of editors and administrators
Community approval of UCoC

提案のリンクはこちら :m:UCOC Ratification Proposal

  • 一般論として合意が求められるもの 。例示します。
    • 批准そのものに賛同すべきグループとは?
    • 批准との対象は「総体」か「部分単位」 か?
      • 部分ごと(見出しごと)で決を採る場合、否決された時はどうする?
    • 批准に用いる方法論methodologyとは?
  • Proposed: each article must have a majority of 1) local projects 2) Active editors (or Steward-eligible editors) 3) WMF Board, to pass. This helps balance small/large projects, and effectively grants each a veto
  • 発案: スチュワード選挙の選挙権を有する人に限定か? (m:Stewards/Elections 2021/Guidelines#Voters)
    • 既存の根本原理を流用、独自の定義は無用
    • 既にまとまり※1受諾済み
  • 事前のRFC(コメント募集)で定義を固める
  • 見出し単位で採決投票するか?
    • 「Binding ratification」※2要問い合わせとして理事会コミュニティ全体が担当(形式/分化は問わない)し、UCOCの含む個別の条文の拒否を認める。
  • 提案として特定のローカルのコミュニティが特定の条文1件または複数を拒絶したとき(しかも過半数※3を得た場合)には次期の査読期間に詳細な検討をする対象として焦点を当てるものの※4、その時点まで彼らに適用すること(プロジェクト間の一貫性のため)。
  • 提案としてさらに実施後の査読期間(6ヵ月? 3ヵ月?)を設けて設置当初の導入/運用/問題点※5をより迅速に査定できるようにする
    • 大きな問題のない限り、1ヵ月 – 3ヵ月追加なら短すぎ、6ヵ月なら適切かどうか?
    • さらに暫定的な緊急査定の引き金を置けないか?(本件は可及的速やかに裁定を要する事態※6
    • 発案:もし「理事会」ないしは「ローカルのプロジェクト5件」が緊急事案を注意喚起した時点で、その特定の件のみ査定を行う引き金とする。(※1=established。2=Binding ratification。3=meta-vote(s)。4=highlighted for detailed review。5=initial landing/ usage/ problems。6=We need to fix this issue NOW cases。6=highlight。)

Breakout room 2: Enforcement principles

Rules around enforcement – "How do we enforce?"
  • One such principle is the "due process"/"audiatur et altera pars" principle (giving both sides the chance to be heard before deciding)
  • Another principle is to avoid conflicts of interest – the enforcing authority could be unaware of their own biases when enforcing. They demanded we want to avoid that enforcement is seen as unfair or unpleasant by those affected by it
  • Some communities have also expressed their concerns that the process can be too "judicial": concerns about "wikilawyering" – can enforcement principles support due process without becoming a courtroom
  • Every decision will be taken by UCoC enforcers --
    • A person said that we need UCoC enforcement above the projects and should not be processed very fast. -- If it's too fast, it will ruin everything.
Public vs. private enforcement pathways
  • There were different voices about the advantages and disadvantages of public and private enforcement. In the LLC there were many demands for private reporting pathways, however during roundtable 1, There were concerns related to transparency.
  • Public enforcement means that the decision making process is transparent and harder to abuse. It's necessary to make a full defence (especially if there is off-wiki stuff reviewing admins/editors aren't aware of), transparency, and for individuals to know "where the hammer will fall". This needs to be AT LEAST to the accused, unless there is clear off-wiki threat to accuser
  • We have the experience of both public and private enforcement in the Wikimedia movement:
    • private enforcement: event teams handling reports, we have both positive and negative experiences with this model
    • public enforcement: most on-wiki enforcement through local administrator’s noticeboard.
Enforcement model -- xwikiarb

Proposed by Ramzy – Link to presentation Discussed more deeply from the points that made in first roundtable session.

  • How can we establish a local ArbCom? A participant felt it is an urgent problem to solve, since the dispute is happening almost every time, and too, in some cases "nemo iudex in causa sua" is still happening.
  • Do we want a local Arbcom forcefully?
    • local ArbCom is probably good to help alleviate rampant "nemo iudex in causa sua" practices in some local Wiki.
    • The problem is probably limited manpower. Need to always think and check about whether we have enough contributors to run this local ArbCom? Mediating conflicts is quite a taxing task.
    • A person suggested that "implementing a court system" inside Wikipedia could be a good idea.
  • Many participants from roundtable were in favour of the model C from three model approaches.

Combined room summary

After returning to the main room, brief summaries were provided about what was discussed in each room and additional viewpoints were considered. There was brief discussion about the relationship between the roles of Stewards and UCoC, and a concern that Stewards would not be able to deal with the large workload created by UCoC enforcement.

Incivility is not taken seriously – article guidelines and policy seem to trump everything else, no matter how unpleasant other users are. A user expressed concern about harsh sanctions and lack of due process.

There was also discussion about delivering training to volunteers about mitigating harassment. It was suggested to have administrators able to provide mediation efforts. An overview of the Community Development wiki-learn course Identifying and Addressing Harassment Online was given and it was suggested the additional training would be useful. Participants were pointed to the Trust and Safety resources including the Outreach Dashboard.

Some concern was expressed about the peer-dependent enforcement model. It was said that since the model depends on other users, some who are not administrators, to enforce rules against other users there can be disputes. Sometimes enforcement can be overzealous or based on individual interpretation of policies or guidelines that might not be widely shared. Some of the new features being made available by the Growth Team were mentioned as a possible avenue for a new user to get quick help when having trouble navigating dispute resolution.

June 12

The third round-table session was held on 12 June 2021 05:00 UTC to facilitate discussion with Korean-speaking community members and participants of other ESEAP projects in the global session, following the local language consultations. In total, there were 20 community members that participated in this session.

Global session

Targets of Harassment research findings

Participants were linked to the summaries above to familiarize themselves with some of the topics previously discussed, as well as the Targets of Harassment research results.

  • Query to the group: What are the current possibilities for reporting harassment?
    • Local administrators, which can be few in number on smaller projects
    • Are private reporting methods available? Are they easy to access?
    • Suggestion to streamline and clarify reporting
    • Suggestion: A sidebar link, and report via the welcome message, either to the code, or to community forums where help is available (example given was Traveller's pub linked from WikiVoyage sidebar)
    • New WMF Growth Team feature could help so new users know who to turn to for questions
xwikiarb presentation
Cross-project ArbCom discussion

Participants were linked to an upcoming lightning talk about multi-project ArbComs in language and cultural groups and given a preview of the presentation. Some feedback about the idea was linked.

  • Indonesian community does not have form of Arbitration, has been inspired by Polish community cross-project Arbitration initiative
  • Query: How would elections work for such a committee? How is the committee composed?
    • Idea: SecurePoll elections
    • Note: Most of the shared projects have the same contributors that travel between them and especially id.wikipedia, id.wikisource, id.Wiktionary
    • Idea: representation based on the amount of active contributors from generated lists (example)
      • Suggestion: 6 from Wikipedia as the largest project, and 1 from each other active project for a total 10 member arbcom
  • Participants discussed whether a cross-project arbcoms should be be obligatory, of if projects could opt-out of the scope
  • A suggestion that different cross-wiki arbcoms could check each others' work to help mitigate potential bias
  • Idea: A global structure (an old proposal was linked: m:Global arbitration committee)
    • Concern: Case volume too high?
      • Idea: Could creating regional subcommittees, and help scale by sharing functionality between teams
    • Concern: Lack knowledge of cultural context
      • Idea: Identify panels of users that can help contextualize issues on smaller projects without direct representation on an as-needed basis, or engage external experts
  • Suggestion: A system where former arbcom members form an type of overseeing body, this would be similar to the Komisi Kepolisian_Nasional (id.wiki) to look into complaints about the body itself
  • Suggestion: The global arbcom should function similar to some Supreme Courts that generally only check if the lower courts have done the work according to the procedures, rather than revisiting the merits of the case
  • 調停委員会(arbcoms)を既に置くプロジェクト群では自分たちの裁定がグローバルな組織への不服申し立ての対象にされる点を受容するかどうか、疑問が提示されました。
  • A suggestion to use a model similar to the Ombuds commission, which handles complaints about breaches of the privacy policy among other things
    • This could cause complaints from users of established projects who feel it impedes on local governance
  • Case Review Committee: Reviews eligible complaints about office actions; the volume is somewhat low
    • Suggestion: Users should increase awareness about this committee in their communities, and remind users that they can also ask for a review of actions that were not taken, for example, checking whether a complaint that was not acted upon should have been.
  • Other questions raised for future consideration:
    • What threshold would need to be met for a global or cross-cultural arbcom to accept a case?
    • What is the scope of behaviour being looked at regarding the code of conduct?
    • What if the concern is the administrator themselves?
  • There was a brief talk about the "5 Pillars page on English Wikipedia", and whether those are recognized at many other projects.
Neutral court system

A question was raised by a participant whether a type of neutral "court system" should be set up to formally resolve complaints between users or about functionaries

  • Would there be lawyers? The historical Association of Members' Advocates at English Wikipedia was pointed out
    • To act on someone's behalf to help them in filing and following the progress of reports or cases
    • Concern: Could become too formal
    • If there is a global arbcom, it might be quite complicated and hard to access for people who are not strong in English, so perhaps advocates could be provided in many languages to help users navigate the system
Wikimedia-specific conversations off-project: a non-exhaustive list: m:Wikimedia Social Suite

There was a discussion about how and whether off-wiki conversations that occur in unofficial or semi-official spaces (e.g. Discord, Telegram, etc.) should inform matters on-wiki, and how the UCoC should approach this complicated topic.

  • Question: How is civility applied in the Wikimedia Discord server?
    • On-wiki policies do not apply here, so it would be covered by the Discord code of conduct and that rules of that server
  • It was noted there is a lack of clarity on what can be accepted as evidence in reports from off-wiki discussions
  • A participant pointed out that newer Wikipedians especially might encounter other Wikipedia users for the first time through a Discord or Telegram lens, and these spaces can be significantly less formal and rough around the edges in terms of topics, language used, form of messages, tone, etc.
  • There was a question about transparency: who can see who has been kicked or banned from the Discord channel, and a suggestion that it should be public
    • It was pointed out there is a log channel available to track actions that is accessible to authenticated admins and moderators
  • Suggestion: Clearer guidelines on not exporting on-wiki conflicts to 3rd-party platforms
    • Difficulty of defining conflict, where to draw the line?
  • Suggestion: Look at Technical Spaces Code of Conduct: Code of Conduct

Korean session

There were 14 Korean community members that participated this round table session. In the beginning of session, we discussed the behavioural issues regarding teenagers mentioned in the Diff blog, and then we discussed about proposals which were discussed during previous global round-table sessions in the May.

Topic 1 – Training to provide strategies to deal with cases of violation

Many participants agreed that there should be training for community members to be able to develop defence strategies against harassment.

  • User Training
    • Provide the manual to how to respond when you are harmed
    • There should be identification of what is considered unethical behaviours.
    • Develop storytelling strategies with the link
  • Admin / functionaries training.
    • Create a way to reach out/cooperate to the global enforcement body or foundation, so they are able to receive help when the violation of UCoC.
    • Share the cases from other languages, so that we can refer to these when necessary.
  • Who should be responsible for training process?
    • The local community, Foundation and Affiliates should all be responsible for providing/developing strategies against harassment or other kinds of attacks.
Topic 2 – Cross-wiki arbcom

We discussed the Ramzy's proposal about cross-wiki Arbcom, which was mentioned in the previous roundtable.

  • Should there be regional arbcom?
    • Ex) East-Asia (Korean, Japanese community)
    • Machine Translation Conversation, Inefficiency of Transmitting in English.
    • There are differences in the cultures between countries, so that it is difficult to make decisions accordingly.
    • However, since it is mediating the work of Wikipedia, it can not be regarded as a major problem. However, unless it is a technical problem, each culture is different, so it may be hard to review the cases.
    • Differences in cultural perception according to language (ex) East Sea vs Sea of Japan, Religious issue in South East Asia region. Like the Sincheonji, which is South Korea's pseudo-religion, foreigners have no awareness of what it is. So if a biased edit is happening and forward to regional arbcom, can it be solved?
    • There was an opinion looking this as another side of view: that it could be viewed as a means of looking at it objectively.
  • One Combined arbcom for Korean Language.
    • Since there is a lack of growth and active users in the Korean sister projects, no meaning for having the separate body.
Topic 3 – Private reporting pathways

During the LLC consultation, there was a demand to provide private reporting pathways, and there was an idea from Italian community to make a "report button". Like previous global round table sessions, there were concerns about implementing the private reporting pathways.

  • Disadvantages of private reporting: lack of transparency, Doubts about fairness of enforcement process
  • Report To Who? Local administrator, or new local body
  • If we implement the “report” button, there will be biased cases (Prank, misreport issue.)
  • Mailing list – A means by which threatened users can report, ex) We have already implemented this strategy for the case that is subject to record protection (by oversight).
  • Measures to protect users from attack are required ex) Fear of spreading as a means of retaliation, such as prohibiting sending emails using Special:EmailUser, and protecting user talks from harassment.

July 17

The third round-table session was held on 17 July 2021 with sessions planned for English, French, German, and Spanish speakers. The German session was held separately with French and Spanish hosted in the global room with interpretation support available. There were between 20 and 25 participants from over ten different languages and projects across both sessions.

This round-table session was planned for a longer length in order to also discuss the Movement Charter, Board elections, and other Movement Strategy initiatives. Input collected on these topics was provided to the respective teams.

Global session

The global session began with brief personal introductions followed by a short primer and update on the current stage of the Universal Code of Conduct project. Around 80 minutes were dedicated to this topic, including discussions about translation support, timing, and affiliate outreach for the upcoming enforcement draft guidelines review, how to apply the code practically, off-wiki or severe harassment, and private reporting mechanisms.

Upcoming draft review – translations and outreach

There was a question about language support, and a suggestion that community consultation stages should not officially start until translations have been completed.

  • This was a concern raised in the Phase 1 review, where some of the translations for other large projects came in later.
  • For the upcoming consultation, the Movement Strategy & Governance facilitators will be available to cover many major languages (though volunteer support will still be crucial).

懸念としてたった2ヵ月では十分に協議の場を重ねるのに短すぎること、コミュニティには批准の前段階で改訂の機会を与えるべきだとの指摘がありました(数件の問題のためにまるごと却下するのでは意味がないため。)(※=meaningful back and forth rounds)

  • The drafting committee timeline explains there is a refining period to follow the 2-month consultation so that the committee will have time to implement changes based on community comments.

Another suggestion was to try and get input from the readers of the project (e.g. non-contributors) in some way (some portions of the code do pertain to abuse of content).

Question: How will the consultation process be developed for the Affiliates, especially given the different status of a Chapter, Thematic Orgs, and User Groups? How will the Affiliates be able to provide input?

Answer: There will be outreach once the enforcement draft guidelines are ready for review. The Foundation’s facilitation team have meaningful conversations with the AffCom and Affiliates to determine how the guidelines will be integrated, especially for those who have their own CoC and/or internal behavioral enforcement mechanisms.
Application of the code

There was a question about whether the code would or should apply retroactively, to enforce behaviours in the past.

  • There are no enforcement guidelines yet but the general feeling was that this it would not be useful to do this.
  • There are existing terms of use, policies, and guidelines in place to guide current behaviour which can be relied upon.

A question was asked about how and whether local users will be expected to enforce or interpret the code, or who will perform this.

  • There was a concern that the code – read in certain ways – could constrain "regular wiki behaviour" (such as using off-wiki evidence to investigate unpaid editing, blocking someone for "competence is required", etc.)
    • 第2フェーズで活発な討議を呼んだ質疑は次のとおり
    • 施行ガイドラインはまだ未公表だが、行動規範そのものが常により的確な内容に調整を続ける対象であるはずだと指摘されました。


  • グローバルチームとは?(ボランティア側?財団側?)
  • ローカルのコミュニティ/既存の組織専用に作る
    • たとえば施行システムが成熟したプロジェクト:ローカルで可能なら自分たちの裁定委員会立ち合いで実施、一例として「UCoC ボタン/ウィザード」を使って既存のコミュニティの手順へ案内する



オフウィキ / 深刻な嫌がらせ行為

質問の一つに、想定外の副反応について調査を行なったかどうか尋ねられました。オンプロジェスト(プロジェクト内)のUCoCを策定すると、オフプロジェクト(プロジェクト外)で嫌がらせ行為もしくは低質な言動を加速させるのではないか。 SNSのチャンネル群に言及があり、しばしば独特の環境を備えている点(より規制がゆるい)とオンウィキ(ほとんどはSNSとの差別化を意識)が対照されました。

  • 参加者のひとりから特定の嫌がらせ行為が原因で人々には自分の利用者名を秘匿するよう、 あまり広範にわたる主題を編集しないように推奨されていると言及があり、(訳注=攻撃者が)投稿者を標的にして暴力をほのめかしたり嫌がらせ電話をかけたり法的手段をちらつかせたり、実際に法廷に持ち込むなど、現状では有効な保護策がないと感じられるとのことでした。
    • この方式だと、嫌がらせ行為の影響は内容の質および中立性、利用者の基盤の両面で影響を与えます。
    • さらに、特定のプロジェクト群から信頼性もしくは評判が落ち始めると、嫌がらせ行為の増加の傾向が見られます。
    • 嫌がらせ行為はときには編集者ではない者、政府機関または政治的な結社が発することもあります。
    • 特定の編集者を「つけ回す」(dox)目的をいだき、嫌がらせ行為の対象にしたり政治集団の一員であると名指しで非難したりなどして迫害を試みています。
    • 場合によっては特定版の削除に伴い利用者名の秘匿で対処しました。


  • 匿名の通報にあたる対象の線引きはどこにするのか?
    • コミュニティにはそれぞれの立場というものがある。これはローカルのコミュニティの裁量範囲では?
  • 匿名の通報に関するその他の質問は以下の通りです。
    • 財団はプロジェクト群から匿名の通報を受ける有効な仕組みを必要とするのか?
    • 匿名の通報に適用する特定の事例の決まりはあるのか?
    • 匿名の通報は常にローカルで対処するのか、それともグローバルな対処者に回す手順は作るのか?
    • 通報した利用者の匿名性は守られますか?




ドイツ語版の開催は参加者およそ10名を得て150分前後をかけ、運動戦略と組織統治(※)をめぐる複数の話題を協議しました。クリステル・スタインバーガー(Christel Steigenberger)によるユニバーサル行動規範の紹介はその起源と沿革を述べ、およそ80分の自由討論へと進みました。(※=Movement Strategy and Governance)



一連の円卓会議で生まれた声や提案は実施のガイドライン草稿を作成する委員会に見せる予定です。進行役チームは今後の円卓会議の開催日程について準備を進めています。 A コミュニティによる包括的な査読は2021年8月から10月にかけてプロジェクトの日程表に組み込みます。