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Wiki labels/Interface translation/Edit quality

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Below are translations for Wiki labels edit quality campaign using this page. For machine readable see /Machine.


implemented languages

English Translation
Language: en English
"Unsure?" Unsure?
"Damaging?" Damaging?
"Would you revert this edit?" Would you revert this edit?
"Yes" Yes
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted.
"No" No
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is.
"Good faith?" Good faith?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?
"Yes" Yes
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith.
"No" No
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith.

English Translation
Language: ja 日本語
"Unsure?" 不正確ですか?
"Damaging?" 破壊的な編集ですか?
"Would you revert this edit?" この編集を取り消しますか?
"Yes" はい
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." 「はい」とは、この編集が破壊的であり、取り消されるべきという意味です。
"No" いいえ
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." 「いいえ」とは、この編集が破壊的ではなく、そのままにしておくことができるという意味です。
"Good faith?" 善意の編集ですか?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" この編集は、より良くしようと思って投稿されたように見えますか?
"Yes" はい
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." 「はい」とは、この編集は善意によってなされたものという意味です。
"No" いいえ
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." 「いいえ」とは、この編集は悪意を持ってなされたものという意味です。

English Translation
Language: fa فارسی
"Unsure?" مطمئنید؟
"Damaging?" خرابکاری؟
"Would you revert this edit?" آیا ویرایش باعث خراب شدن مقاله شده‌است؟
"Yes" بله
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." بله، این ویرایش باعث خراب شدن مقاله شده‌است و باید واگردانی شود
"No" نه
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." نه، باید این ویرایش همین‌گونه باشد.
"Good faith?" با فرض حسن نیت؟
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" آیا کاربر ویرایشگر با حسن نیست ویرایش کرده و سازنده بوده است؟
"Yes" بله
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." بله، این ویرایش به نظرم با حسن نیت انجام شده‌است.
"No" نه
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." نه، این ویرایش با حسن نیست نبوده است

English Translation
Language: pt português
"Unsure?" Inseguro?
"Damaging?" Prejudicial?
"Would you revert this edit?" Você reverteria esta edição?
"Yes" Sim
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Sim esta edição é prejudicial e deveria ser revertida.
"No" Não
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." Não esta edição não é prejudicial e pode ser mantida como está.
"Good faith?" De boa fé?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Parece que o autor desta edição estava tentando contribuir produtivamente?
"Yes" Sim
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Sim esta edição parece ter sido feita de boa fé.
"No" Não
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." Não esta edição parece ter sido feita de má fé.

English Translation
Language: tr Türkçe
"Unsure?" Emin misiniz?
"Damaging?" Zararlı mı?
"Would you revert this edit?" Değişiklik maddeye zarar verdi mi?
"Yes" Evet
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Evet, bu değişiklik zararlı ve düzeltilmeli veya geri alınmalı.
"No" Hayır
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." Hayır, bu değişiklik zararlı değil ve olduğu gibi kalmalı.
"Good faith?" İyi niyetli mi?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Bu kullanıcının yaptığı değişiklik yarar sağlama amaçlı mı gözüküyor?
"Yes" Evet
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Evet, bu değişiklik iyi niyetli gibi gözüküyor.
"No" Hayır
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." Hayır, bu değişiklik kötü niyetli gibi gözüküyor.

English Translation
Language: fr français
"Unsure?" Incertain?
"Damaging?" Dommageable?
"Would you revert this edit?" Auriez-vous annulé cette modification?
"Yes" Oui
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Oui cette modification est dommageable et doit être annulée
"No" Non
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." Non cette modification n'est pas dommageable et peut être gardée.
"Good faith?" Bonne intention?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Est-ce qu'il apparait que l'auteur de cette modification essayait de contribuer de façon productive ?
"Yes" Oui
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Oui cette modification semble de bonne intention
"No" Non
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." Non cette modification semble avoir été faite avec de mauvaises intentions

English Translation
Language: he עברית
"Unsure?" לא בטוח?
"Damaging?" מזיק?
"Would you revert this edit?" האם היית משחזר את העריכה הזאת?
"Yes" כן
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." כן, העריכה הזאת מזיקה וכדאי לשחזר אותה.
"No" לא
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." לא, העריכה הזאת לא מזיקה ואפשר להשאיר אותה כמו שהיא.
"Good faith?" הכוונה הייתה טובה?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" האם נראה שהכותב של העריכה הזאת התכוון לתרום משהו חיובי?
"Yes" כן
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." כן, נראה שהעריכה הזאת נעשתה בכוונה טובה.
"No" לא
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." לא, נראה שהעריכה הזאת לא נעשתה בכוונה טובה.

English Translation
Language: de Deutsch
"Unsure?" Unsicher?
"Damaging?" Schädlich?
"Would you revert this edit?" Willst du diese Bearbeitung zurücksetzen?
"Yes" Ja
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Ja, diese Bearbeitung ist schädlich und sollte zurückgesetzt werden.
"No" Nein
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." Nein, diese Bearbeitung ist unschädlich und kann so behalten werden.
"Good faith?" Gute Absichten?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Erscheint es so, als ob der Autor dieser Bearbeitung produktiv beitragen wollte?
"Yes" Ja
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Ja, diese Bearbeitung scheint mit guten Absichten getätigt worden zu sein.
"No" Nein
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." Nein, diese Bearbeitung scheint mit schädlichen Absichten getätigt worden zu sein.

English Translation
Language: es español
"Unsure?" ¿Inseguro?
"Damaging?" ¿Dañina?
"Would you revert this edit?" ¿Revertirías esta edición?
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Sí, esta edición es dañina y debe ser revertida.
"No" No
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." No, esta edición no es dañina y se puede mantener.
"Good faith?" ¿Buena fe?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" ¿Parece que el autor de esta edición estaba tratando de contribuir productivamente?
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Sí, esta edición parece haber sido hecha con buena fe.
"No" No
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." No, esta edición parece haber sido hecha con mala fe.

English Translation
Language: id Bahasa Indonesia
"Unsure?" Tidak yakin?
"Damaging?" Merusak?
"Would you revert this edit?" Apakah Anda akan membatalkan suntingan ini?
"Yes" Iya
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Iya, suntingan ini merusak dan pantas dibatalkan.
"No" Tidak
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." Tidak, suntingan ini tidak merusak dan dapat disimpan seperti sekarang.
"Good faith?" Berniat baik?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Apakah penyunting revisi ini kelihatannya sedang mencoba berkontribusi secara produktif?
"Yes" Iya
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Iya, suntingan ini sepertinya dibuat dengan niat baik.
"No" Tidak
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." Tidak, suntingan ini sepertinya dibuat dengan niat buruk.

English Translation
Language: uk українська
"Unsure?" Не впевнені?
"Damaging?" Шкідливе?
"Would you revert this edit?" Чи скасували б Ви це редагування?
"Yes" Так
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Так, це редагування шкідливе і має бути скасоване.
"No" Ні
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." Ні, це редагування не шкідливе і його можна зберегти.
"Good faith?" Добрі наміри?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Чи виглядає, що автор редагування намагався зробити конструктивний внесок?
"Yes" Так
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Так, схоже, що це редагування зроблене з добрими намірами.
"No" Ні
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." Ні, схоже, що це редагування зроблене зі злими намірами.

English Translation
Language: nl Nederlands
"Unsure?" Niet zeker?
"Damaging?" Schadelijk?
"Would you revert this edit?" Zou u deze bewerking terugdraaien?
"Yes" Ja
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Ja, deze bewerking is schadelijk en moet worden teruggedraaid.
"No" Nee
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." Nee, deze bewerking is niet schadelijk en kan gehandhaafd blijven.
"Good faith?" Goede wil?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Lijkt het erop dat de persoon die deze bewerking deed een constructieve bijdrage wilde leveren?
"Yes" Ja
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Ja, het lijkt erop dat de persoon die deze bewerking deed van goede wil was.
"No" Nee
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." Nee, het lijkt erop dat de persoon die deze bewerking deed niet van goede wil was.

English Translation
Language: zh 中文
"Unsure?" 不确定?
"Damaging?" 破坏性编辑?
"Would you revert this edit?" 您是否要回退此次编辑?
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." 是的,此编辑是破坏性编辑,应当回退。
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." 不,此编辑并非破坏性编辑,可以保留。
"Good faith?" 善意编辑?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" 这次编辑的作者是否看起来想做出有意义的贡献?
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." 是的,这次编辑看起来是善意编辑。
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." 不,这次编辑看起来是恶意编辑。

English Translation
Language: pl polski
"Unsure?" Niepewny?
"Damaging?" Szkodliwa?
"Would you revert this edit?" Czy tę edycję trzeba wycofać?
"Yes" Tak
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Ta edycja jest szkodliwa i trzeba ją wycofać.
"No" Nie
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." Nie, ta edycja nie jest szkodliwa i może zostać.
"Good faith?" W dobrej wierze?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Czy ten autor mógł próbować wykonać dobrą edycję?
"Yes" Tak
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Tak, ta edycja wygląda na wykonaną w dobrej wierze.
"No" Nie
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." Nie, ta edycja wygląda na wykonaną w złej wierze.

English Translation
Language: ru русский
"Unsure?" Не уверены?
"Damaging?" Правка вредоносная?
"Would you revert this edit?" Вы бы отменили эту правку?
"Yes" Да
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Да, эта правка вредоносна и должна быть отменена.
"No" Нет
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." Нет, эта правка не вредоносна и может быть оставлена.
"Good faith?" Правка совершена с добрыми намерениями?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Похоже ли, что автор правки намеревался сделать конструктивный вклад?
"Yes" Да
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Да, правка могла быть совершена с добрыми намерениями.
"No" Нет
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." Нет, похоже, что правка была злонамеренной.

English Translation
Language: de Deutsch
"Unsure?" Unsicher?
"Damaging?" Schädlich?
"Would you revert this edit?" Willst du diese Bearbeitung zurücksetzen?
"Yes" Ja
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Ja, diese Bearbeitung ist schädlich und sollte zurückgesetzt werden.
"No" Nein
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." Nein, diese Bearbeitung ist unschädlich und kann so behalten werden.
"Good faith?" Gute Absichten?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Erscheint es so, als ob der Autor dieser Bearbeitung produktiv beitragen wollte?
"Yes" Ja
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Ja, diese Bearbeitung scheint mit guten Absichten getätigt worden zu sein.
"No" Nein
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." Nein, diese Bearbeitung scheint mit schädlichen Absichten getätigt worden zu sein.

English Translation
Language: vi Tiếng Việt
"Unsure?" Bạn không chắc?
"Damaging?" Phá hoại?
"Would you revert this edit?" Bạn có định lùi lại sửa đổi này không?
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Có, sửa đổi này gây hại và cần được lùi lại.
"No" Không
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." Không, sửa đổi này không gây hại và có thể giữ nguyên.
"Good faith?" Sửa đổi thiện ý?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Người thực hiện sửa đổi này có thiện ý muốn đóng góp thông tin hữu ích hay không?
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Có, sửa đổi này có vẻ được thực hiện có thiện ý.
"No" Không
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." Không, sửa đổi này có vẻ là một sửa đổi ác ý.

English Translation
Language: it italiano
"Unsure?" Incerto?
"Damaging?" Dannosa?
"Would you revert this edit?" Vuoi annullare questa modifica?
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Sì, questa modifica è dannosa e dovrebbe essere annullata.
"No" No
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." No, questa modifica non è dannosa e può essere mantenuta così com'è.
"Good faith?" Buona fede?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Sembra che l'autore di questa modifica stesse cercando di contribuire in modo costruttivo?
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Sì, questa modifica sembra essere effettuata in buona fede.
"No" No
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." No, questa modifica sembra essere effettuata in mala fede.

English Translation
Language: et eesti
"Unsure?" Pole kindel?
"Damaging?" Kahjulik?
"Would you revert this edit?" Kas tühistaksid muudatuse?
"Yes" Jah
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Jah, muudatus on kahjulik ja tuleks tühistada.
"No" Ei
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." Ei, muudatus pole kahjulik ja tuleks säilitada.
"Good faith?" Heasoovlik?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Kas usud, et muudatuse autor püüdis asju paremaks teha?
"Yes" Jah
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Jah, paistab, et muudatus tehti heatahtlikult.
"No" Ei
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." Ei, paistab, et muudatus tehti pahatahtlikult.

English Translation
Language: ur اردو
"Unsure?" مطمئن ہیں؟
"Damaging?" تخریب کاری؟
"Would you revert this edit?" کیا آپ کی نگاہ میں یہ ترمیم غیر تعمیری ہے؟
"Yes" ہاں
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." ہاں، یہ ترمیم غیر تعمیری اور تخریبی ہے، لہذا اسے واپس پھیر دینا چاہیے۔
"No" نہیں
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." نہیں، یہ ترمیم تخریبی نہیں معلوم ہوتی، لہذا اسے باقی رکھا جائے۔
"Good faith?" حسن نیت ملحوظ ہے؟
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" کیا صارف نے اس ترمیم کو حسن نیت کے ساتھ انجام دیا ہے، نیز کیا یہ ترمیم تعمیری معلوم ہوتی ہے؟
"Yes" ہاں
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." ہاں، میری نگاہ میں یہ ترمیم حسن نیت کے ساتھ انجام دی گئی ہے۔
"No" نہیں
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." نہیں، یہ ترمیم حسن نیت کے ساتھ انجام نہیں دی گئی ہے۔

English Translation
Language: khw کھوار
"Unsure?" مطمئن نو؟
"Damaging?" تخریب کاری؟
"Would you revert this edit?" تہ نظرا ھیہ ترمیم غیر تعمیری شیرا؟
"Yes" دی
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." دی، ھیہ ترمیم غیر تعمیری اوچے تخریبی شیر، لہذا ھمو آچی ریورٹ کوریلیک۔
"No" نو
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." نو، ھیہ ترمیم تخریبی نو سارئیران، لہذا ھمو برقرار لاکھونو بائے۔
"Good faith?" نیک نیتیو خیالو لاکھونو بیتی شیرا؟
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" کیہ صارف ھیہ ترمیمو نیک نیتیو سورا انجام دیتی آسور، نیز کیہ ھیہ ترمیم تعمیری سارئیرانا؟
"Yes" دی
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." دی، مہ نظرا ھیہ ترمیم نیک نیتیو سورا انجام دیونو بیتی شیر۔
"No" نہیں
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." نو، ھیہ ترمیم نیک نیتیو سورا انجام دیونو نو بیتی شیر۔

English Translation
Language: no norsk
"Unsure?" Usikker?
"Damaging?" Ødeleggende?
"Would you revert this edit?" Ville du tilbakestilt denne endringen?
"Yes" Ja
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Ja denne endringen er ødeleggende og skulle vært tilbakestilt.
"No" Nei
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." Nei denne endringene er ikke ødeleggende og kan beholdes som den er.
"Good faith?" God tro?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Ser det ut for deg som om denne bidragsyteren av denne endringen har forsøkt å bidra konstruktivt?
"Yes" Ja
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Ja, denne endringen ser det ut som om er blitt gjort i god tro.
"No" Nei
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." Nei, denne endringen ser ikke ut som er blitt gjort i god tro.

English Translation
Language: ro română
"Unsure?" Nesigur?
"Damaging?" Dăunător?
"Would you revert this edit?" Ați anula această modificare?
"Yes" Da
"Yes this edit is damaging and should be reverted." Da, această modificare este dăunătoare și trebuie anulată.
"No" Nu
"No this edit is not damaging and can be kept as is." Nu, această modificare nu este dăunătoare și poate fi păstrată.
"Good faith?" Bune intenții?
"Does it appear as though the author of this edit was trying to contribute productively?" Vi se pare că autorul acestei modificări încearcă să își aducă o contribuție utilă?
"Yes" Da
"Yes this edit appears to have been made in good-faith." Da, această modificare a fost făcută cu bune intenții
"No" Nu
"No this edit appears to have been made in bad-faith." Nu, această modificare pare a fi fost făcută cu rele intenții