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וויקימעדיע הויכפונקטן, מיי 2014

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia Highlights, May 2014 and the translation is 46% complete.

Highlights from the Wikimedia Foundation Report and the Wikimedia engineering report for May 2014, with a selection of other important events from the Wikimedia movement

וויקימעדיע פונדאציע הויכפונקטן

Demo video for "ZoomProof", a tool that will facilitate proofreading work on the Armenian Wikisource - one of the 12 new IEG projects

12 new individual engagement grants

The Foundation's Individual Engagement Grants (IEG) support projects from individuals or small teams to organize, build, create, research or facilitate something that enhances the work of Wikimedia’s volunteers. The 12 winning grants from the first round of 2014 were announced on May 30.

פראבע פון א מעסעדזש, צו איינליידענען אנאנימע רעדאקטירער זיך איינצושרייבען אין דער וויקיפעדיע, נאכן רעדאקטירען אן ארטיקעל

פארבעטן אנאנימע רעדאקטארן מיטצוטיילן מיט דער וויקיפעדיע געמיינדע

On the English, German, French, and Italian Wikipedias, the Foundation's Growth team conducted two experiments to test user interface changes for encouraging anonymous editors to create an account and join the community of registered users. In the first test, a recommendation to create an account was shown when the user clicks "edit", and in the second test, the invitation was displayed after the user saved an edit. Preliminary data strongly suggested a positive effect on new registrations.

Overview over the FDC proposals from round 2 (presentation slides)

Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) recommendations announced

In May, the nine-member Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) met for its face-to-face deliberations and published its recommendations to the WMF Board of Trustees on proposals from four organizations (three chapters and the Foundation) on how to spend Wikimedia donation money. The Board will make its decision on these recommendations by 1 July. The Advisory Group to the FDC also met in Frankfurt for their final meeting, to provide the Executive Director of the WMF with a recommendation on whether or not the FDC process (begun in 2012) should continue, and if so, what modifications should be made. They unanimously agreed to recommend to continue the process.

דאטן און טענדענצן

גלאבאלע איינציקע באזוכער פאר אפריל:

465 million (-6.00% compared with March; -9.92% compared with the previous year)
(comScore data for all Wikimedia Foundation projects; comScore will release May data later in June)

Page requests for May:

20.654 billion (-0.2% compared with April; -1.6% compared with the previous year)
(Server log data, all Wikimedia Foundation content projects including mobile access, but excluding Wikidata and the Wikipedia main portal page.)

Active Registered Editors for April 2014 (>= 5 mainspace edits/month, excluding bots):

75,364 (-2.25% compared with March / -7.25% compared with the previous year)
(Database data, all Wikimedia Foundation projects.
Note: These numbers were recently adjusted to correct a bug involving IPV6 addresses.)

Report Card (integrating various statistical data and trends about WMF projects):




וויקימעדיע פונדאציע הכנסות און הוצאות קעגן פלאן זייט אנהייב יאר ביזן 30סטן אפריל 2014
וויקימעדיע פונדאציע הכנסות און הוצאות זייט אנהייב יאר לויט פונקציעס ביזן 30סטן אפריל 2014

(פינאנציעלע אינפארמאציע נאר פאראן ביז אפריל 2014 אין דער צייט.)

All financial information presented is for the Month-To-Date and Year-To-Date April 30, 2014.

הכנסה 49,194,784
 אינזשעניריע גרופע 13,800,658
 געלטשאפן גרופע 3,209,299
 סטיפענדיע גרופע 1,472,907
 פראגראמען גרופע 1,493,168
 סטיפענדיעס 4,066,472
 פארוואלטונג גרופע 725,565
 Legal/Community Advocacy/Communications Group 3,256,914
 פינאנץ/HR/אדמיניסטראציע גרופע 5,484,592
סה"כ הוצאות 33,509,575
סה"כ עודף (15,685,209)
אין אמעריקאנער דאלארן
  • Revenue for the month of April is $8.24MM versus plan of $1.71MM, approximately $6.53MM or 383% over plan.
  • Year-to-date revenue is $49.19MM versus plan of $46.76MM, approximately $2.43MM or 5% over plan.
  • Expenses for the month of April is $3.19MM versus plan of $4.69MM, approximately $1.50MM or 32% under plan, primarily due to lower personnel expenses, capital expenses, internet hosting, FDC grants, and payment processing fees partially offset by higher legal fees, outside contract services, and travel expenses related to community convening events.
  • Year-to-date expenses is $33.51MM versus plan of $41.06MM, approximately $7.55MM or 18% under plan, primarily due to lower personnel expenses, capital expenses, internet hosting, legal fees, payment processing fees, staff development expenses, grants and travel expenses partially offset by higher outside contract services.
  • Cash and Investments - $55.6MM as of April 30, 2014.
Video of the monthly Wikimedia Foundation metrics and activities meeting covering the month of May (June 5, 2014)

אנדערע הויכפונקטן פון דער וויקימעדיע באוועגונג

Group photo of the attendees at the 2014 Wikimedia Hackathon in Zürich

Annual Wikimedia Hackathon in Zürich, Switzerland

From May 9-11, more than 150 developers, engineers, sysadmins, and technology enthusiasts gathered in Zürich for the annual European Wikimedia hackathon, organized by Wikimedia CH, the local Wikimedia chapter. Among many other topics of interest, participants focused on maps and geographical data, Flow (the new discussion system intended as replacement for wiki talk pages), and Wikidata.

"וויקידאטן שפיל": א לוסטיקער נײַער וועג צו פארבעסערן וויקידאטן

On May 20, Magnus Manske, a longtime Wikimedian and volunteers software developer, announced "Wikidata – The Game", a set of simple games, each asking the user to make a certain decision about Wikidata - for example, deciding whether two items describe the same topic, or whether an item describes a person or not. After two weeks, "643 players [had] made an astonishing 352,710 decisions through the game, many of which result in improving Wikidata directly".

Wiki Loves Earth goes international

Wiki Loves Earth is an international photography competition with the subject of natural heritage. Started in 2013 for the Ukraine by the local chapter, this year it extended to 14 countries, and attracted tens of thousands of submissions. Similar to Wiki Loves Monuments, juries will first determine national winners for each country, from which the global winners will be selected.

Wiki Loves Earth submission from Brazil: Aerial photo of the Iguaçu falls

זעט אויך